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#502 : Les sirènes de l'amour - Partie 2

Phoebe, qui vit à présent dans l'océan, essaye d'échapper à Nécron, un démon qui souhaite lui voler son immortalité. Paige et Piper apprennent que Cole est de retour. Piper, qui ne supporte plus ses peurs, utilise alors une formule les lui ôtant toutes. De son côté, Paige qui a compris pourquoi Phoebe a décidé de rester sirène, demande de l'aide à Cole.

> En plus : les captures


4.21 - 14 votes

Titre VO
A Witch’s Tail (Part 2)

Titre VF
Les sirènes de l'amour - Partie 2

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails


Remarques et anecdotes :

  • Cet épisode marque la dernière apparition du patron de Paige.
  • Acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
  • Alyssa Milano... Phoebe Halliwell
  • Rose McGowan... Paige Matthews Halliwell
  • Holly Marie Combs... Piper Halliwell
  • Brian Krause... Léo Wyatt
  • Julian McMahon... Cole Turner 
  • Dorian Gregory... Darryl Morris

Acteurs secondaires et invités dans l'épisode :

  • Finola Hughes (Patty Halliwell)
  • Judson Scott (Necron)
  • David Reivers (Bob Cowan)


  • Monica Breen et Allison Shrapker


  • Mel Damski

Après que Phoebe, transformée en sirène, ait annoncé son désir de rester au fond de l'océan, Paige et Piper, toujours sujette à des crises de panique par peur pour son bébé, rentrent au Manoir. Léo, parti à la recherche de Phoebe, revient bredouille et découvre que sa protégée a sans doute fui la vie terrestre à cause du retour de Cole, que Paige lui avait caché. La solution est peut-être simple : si Cole déclare son amour à Phoebe, elle redeviendra humaine.

Dans la grotte de la maléfique sorcière, Phoebe, qui en a fait son refuge, se retrouve face-à-face avec Nécron et lui échappe de justesse. Pendant ce temps, Léo tente toujours de la localiser tandis que Paige consulte le Livre des Ombres à la recherche d'une potion pour sauver sa soeur. Au grenier, Piper, de plus en plus stressée, écrit nerveusement plusieurs ébauches d'incantations, sans succès. Devant son agitation, Léo lui conseille de faire une pause et elle lui avoue être terrorisée de manière permanente, à tel point qu'elle commence à craquer. Elle ne parviendra à protéger sa famille qu'en se débarrassant de cette peur. Aussi commence-t-elle, déterminée, à rédiger une formule à cet effet ...

De son côté, Paige, sortie pour régler un problème à son travail, est confrontée à Cole, venu lui prouver qu'il a changé. Confus, il apprend par inadvertance que sa femme s'est transformée en sirène ! Il veut les aider, mais Paige, furieuse, lui déclare que tout est de sa faute : s'il ne l'avait pas fait autant souffrir, Phoebe n'aurait pas choisi de fuir. Pour elle, leur unique chance est qu'il disparaisse à jamais de leurs vies. Au Manoir, Piper lance le sortilège censé éradiquer ses peurs ...

Phoebe, blessée par Nécron, est tombé malgré elle dans les filets d'un bateau pécheurs. Ceux-ci, après l'avoir remontée sur le pont, se demandent à quel journal ils vont pouvoir vendre leur histoire lorsque Nécron s'interpose, les tuant afin de récupérer la sirène et son immortalité tant convoitée. Phoebe appelle à l'aide Léo et ils se dématérialisent sous le regard furieux du démon.

Au Manoir, Phoebe décrit Nécron à ses soeurs afin qu'elles puissent l'anéantir et demande ensuite d'être remise à la mer. Piper, très calme, l'identifie dans le Livre des Ombres, tandis que Paige trouve une solution à l'appel du large de sa soeur en la déposant dans la baignoire à l'étage !

Darryl rend visite à Cole qui a réintégré son ancien appartement. Il s'inquiète de ses nouveaux pouvoirs et aimerait savoir s'il est impliqué dans le meurtre des trois pêcheurs réduits en cendres. Vexé, Cole lui répond qu'il n'est plus la Source, juste un mari qui veut reconquérir sa femme. Darryl lui conseille de faire ce qu'elle veut et de partir. Car s'il l'aime vraiment, il doit tenir compte de ses désirs.

Dans le grenier, Piper découvre que les deux seules sorcières qui ont réussi à vaincre un démon du type de Nécron sont mortes dans le processus : elles vont devoir préparer une autre potion. Léo trouve que sa femme a soudain trop d'assurance et, tandis que Piper descend répondre à la porte d'entrée, il tombe sur son sort de courage. Tout-à-coup, il entend le hurlement de Phoebe : une journaliste et son caméraman viennent d'entrer dans la salle de bain grâce aux bons soins de Piper. Paige et Léo se précipitent, terminant abruptement l'interview, soulagés que leur secret n'ait pas été découvert et inquiets de l'attitude de Piper. La situation empire rapidement, Nécron ayant localisé Phoebe. Après avoir ordonné à Paige de mettre leur soeur à l'abri, Piper affronte seule le danger, sans grand succès car le démon parvient à l'enlever.

Léo, à son tour paniqué, ne ressent que le courage démesuré de sa femme sans pouvoir la localiser. Paige se concentre sur une nouvelle formule pour vaincre le démon, tandis que Phoebe, de plus en plus insensible, désire plus que jamais rester une sirène et retourner dans l'océan ... aussi Paige décide-t-elle de combler son voeu en la chargeant de retrouver Piper, torturée au même moment par Nécron. Pendant ce temps, Paige demande l'aide de Cole, car elle a réalisé que Phoebe est partie parce qu'elle l'aimait trop, et non l'inverse. Il est le seul à pouvoir la sauver.

Dans la grotte de Nécron, Phoebe accepte de céder son immortalité en échange de la vie de sa soeur et de son bébé ... mais Piper est déjà gravement blessée à l'abdomen. Paige arrive alors en compagnie de Léo et les trois soeurs récitent leur incantation, détruisant Nécron. L'explosion qui en résulte assomme Phoebe, Paige et Léo, mais entraîne également Piper au fond de l'eau, toujours entravée par les chaines de Nécron. Alors qu'elle cesse de se débattre, désespérée, elle voit apparaître sa mère, Patty, qui lui dit qu'elle ne doit plus avoir peur pour elle et son bébé. Sa destinée n'étant pas de le laisser seul au monde comme ce fut le cas pour elle. Piper prend sa main et se libère, remontée ensuite à la surface par Phoebe. Le bébé guérit de l'intérieur ses blessures, puis Phoebe, profitant des retrouvailles, s'éclipse discrètement.

Sur la plage, Cole la fait apparaître près de lui. Il parvient à la libérer en lui faisant admettre ses sentiments qu'elle éprouve pour lui, ceux qui l'ont poussée à se réfugier dans l'océan. Redevenue humaine, elle lui avoue qu'elle l'aime toujours, mais que pourtant, tout est fini entre eux.

Le soir-même, Paige récupère ses affaires au bureau de l'Aide Sociale, tandis que Phoebe signe sa demande de divorce et que Piper, enfin apaisée, commence l'album-souvenir de son futur bébé par une photo d'elle enfant en compagnie de sa mère.




SCENE #23:


(PHOEBE swimming under the sea through a bed of seaweed.)

(Cut to PHOEBE doing flips under the ocean water.)

(Cut to PHOEBE swimming toward some shells on a rock near the ocean floor. She
picks up a shiny pink shell and looks at it. She smiles and heads toward the
surface so she can have a better look at it. She breaks the surface and takes a
moment to admire the pretty pink shell. She dives back down into the ocean, the
flick of her mermaid's tail the last thing seen above the surface.)

(Cut to PHOEBE swimming away.)


SCENE #24:


(LEO orbs into the living room. He's dripping wet. He grabs the front of his
shirt and squeezes the water out.)

PIPER: Leo. The Persian.

(LEO looks up. PIPER points to the rug he's standing on. LEO takes a step
toward the two sisters sitting side-by-side on the couch.)

LEO: Oh. I found Phoebe.

PIPER: You did?

LEO: Well...

PAIGE: Why didn't you bring her?

LEO: She's too fast ... and slippery.

PAIGE: It's official. Phoebe's on the run.

LEO: On the swim, technically.

PIPER: Well, what the heck is she swimming from? She's got billboards, TV
interviews. She got her divorce. She should be loving life.

PAIGE: That's right. You don't know.

PIPER: I don't know what?

PAIGE: Well, I didn't want to make you mad, you know, you getting so panicky
and all.

PIPER: Yes, we've established I was a spineless coward in the face of evil.
Now, what don't I know?

PAIGE: Cole's back.

(PIPER is stunned. LEO pushes forward and stands in front of PAIGE, angry that
he wasn't told about it immediately.)

LEO: What? Why don't I know about this?

(Unbeknownst to PAIGE and LEO, PIPER clutches her abdomen and gasps for breath.
Panic washes over her. She turns and looks for something to grab ahold of.)

PAIGE: (o.s.) Well, Phoebe told me confidentially.

LEO: Yes, but I'm your Whitelighter. As a witch, you have a duty to let me
know this sort of thing.

PAIGE: I have a greater duty to my sister.

LEO: Excuse me, but he's the former source of all evil. This is not something
you just sweep under the rug.

(PIPER tries to catch their attention as she looses her balance and falls to the

PIPER: Mmm! Uhh!

(PAIGE and LEO turn around to see PIPER on the floor. They rush over to assist


LEO: Oh!

(PIPER is still having problems getting ahold of her breathing.)

LEO: Breathe. Take a deep breath.

PIPER: Does he want my baby?

PAIGE: Ah ... no, honey, of course not. He's in love. He wants Phoebe back.


LEO: That's it. If Cole and Phoebe declare their love -

PAIGE: Cole's love is the problem, not the solution.

PIPER: Paige, I know you hate Cole, but--

PAIGE: Yeah, I do. I loathe and despise him, but that's not the point. Mylie
said that mermaids are cold-hearted. Maybe that's why my spell turned Phoebe
into a mermaid in the first place.

PIPER: Wait a minute. We're talking about Phoebe here. Since when did Phoebe
become cold-hearted?

PAIGE: Well, maybe she's been in the deep freeze ever since Cole came back.

LEO: All right, so, where do we go next?

PAIGE: I don't know. Book of Shadows. Library of congress. Internet.
Anywhere we can to get rid of Phoebe's tail.

(LEO and PAIGE assist PIPER up.)


SCENE #25:


(A bolt of blue electricity rises from the cavern ground. NECRON materializes
calling for the SEA HAG.)


(He walks around the place and throws things aside.)

NECRON: (demanding) I want my eternal life!

(He tosses more things aside.)

NECRON: (insistant) Or your life. It's your choice.

(On the ground, he sees the SEA HAG'S clothes and her shell necklace in a pile
of dust. He tosses another item aside and walks over to the pile of dust. He
raises his hand and blows the dust away, uncovering the auger shell beneath it.)

(He picks it up. In the distance, he hears water splashing and sees PHOEBE
emerge from the water holding her newly acquired pink seashell. NECRON walks
toward her. She looks up at him.)

PHOEBE: Who are you?

NECRON: You have something I want.

PHOEBE: They're all yours!

(PHOEBE grabs the shells in front of her and throws them at NECRON. She dives
for the ocean as they hit NECRON. Still, he manages to throw a bolt of
electricity at PHOEBE, hitting her on her tail as she leaves.)

(As she swims away, she leaves behind a trail of blood. Camera holds on



SCENE #26:


(PAIGE is on the telephone, pacing the kitchen floor as she talks with her boss.
The kitchen table is littered with open books.)

PAIGE: (to phone) I am so sorry I am missing work, Mr. Cowan. I--I--it's
just my sister. She's had a fishing accident. Well, of course I'm grateful for
the promotion.

(The camera moves forward to show the topmost open book and the picture of the
mermaid on its right page.)

PAIGE: (to phone) Of course I am, and I'm gonna prove to you just how grateful
I am as soon as I get there and ...

(In the next room behind the closed door, we see the blue glow of an orb light.)

PAIGE: ... Mr. Cowan? Hello?

(PAIGE looks upward as MR. COWAN has hung up on her. She turns the phone off.
LEO enters the kitchen and gives his Finding Phoebe report.)

LEO: I lost Phoebe.

PAIGE: You lost Phoebe?

LEO: Yeah. Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. I was tracking her and ... she's
getting harder to sense. I think the mermaid in her is starting to take over.

PAIGE: I'll just have to find a way to turn her back.

(PAIGE sits down and puts the telephone aside.)

PAIGE: Look through these books. Well, uh ...

LEO: You been working on this all night?

(LEO also sits down.)

PAIGE: Yeah.

LEO: What have you learned so far?

PAIGE: I have learned that mermaids are cold-blooded, they like shiny baubles,
sea chanteys are the only songs they know, and my adoption file is short one

LEO: You lost me with that last one.

PAIGE: Leo, it's my first day as a social worker, and I'm already screwing up
and failing big time. This kid's adoption is gonna fall apart without me.

LEO: Well, you can't let that happen.

PAIGE: I'm so glad you agree. I was thinking I'd just cast a spell from here
and create a file--

LEO: That's not what I meant. Go to work.

PAIGE: But what about --

LEO: But what about what? You're just an orb away.

PAIGE: You sure you can handle this alone?

LEO: I'm not alone. I have Piper.

PAIGE: Piper.

(LEO nods.)

PAIGE: Ok, Leo. I don't know if it's because she's afraid of the demons or she
has guilt over Phoebe, but she's not doing so well. I had to come down here to
get any work done at all.

LEO: What do you mean?

PAIGE: Go up to the attic and see for yourself.

(LEO stands up and leaves. PAIGE returns to the book she was reading. Camera
holds on the picture of the mermaid.)


SCENE #27:


(LEO rounds the corner and enters the attic. Faint scraping sounds can be
heard. LEO looks around and finds PIPER hunkered down in a corner of the attic,
writing on the walls. LEO pauses and sees the writing and watches as PIPER
continues to write. She glances down at the scrap piece of paper in her hand
and erases the word she just wrote.)

(She mumbles to herself as she reads back her writing.)


(LEO crouches down next to PIPER as she erases another word on the wall.)

LEO: Honey, it's ok.

(LEO grabs PIPER'S arm trying to turn her toward him. She resists and pulls

PIPER: No. Let go. I'm almost done.

LEO: Piper, you need to take a break.

PIPER: I just need one more verse.

LEO: Piper, this is not helping Phoebe.

(PIPER takes a breath.)

PIPER: Leo ... I'm scared.

LEO: I know.

PIPER: No, you don't. I'm scared all of the time.

LEO: Piper, you're pregnant. Your hormones and adrenaline are running very
high. It's ok to be afraid.

PIPER: No, it's not. Did you see what my fear did to Phoebe? I'm supposed to
be stronger than ever now that I'm pregnant for our daughter and my sisters.
It's my job to take care of this family.

LEO: Sometimes it's this family's job to take care of you. Sometimes it's my

PIPER: What do I do?

LEO: You need to figure out what's behind your fear.

PIPER: Ok, well, therapy takes years, and Phoebe needs me now.

LEO: Well, the only way you can help phoebe is by removing your fear.

(PIPER stops as this strikes a chord within her.)

PIPER: What did you say?

LEO: I said you need to remove your fear, and I can help you do that.

PIPER: I think you just did.

(PIPER stands up. LEO also stands up.)

PIPER: Right now I just need some, um, some time to figure this out. Alone.

(LEO looks at PIPER, willing to give her the space she needs.)

LEO: Ok.

(LEO backs away slowly. He leaves. PIPER moves to a fresh, clean attic wall.
She starts to write: "FEARLESS".)


SCENE #28:


(Up on the pier, PHOEBE checks out her wound. The cut is still fresh and

(PHOEBE looks up and sees a couple of fishermen approaching. She dives off the
pier, her golden tail breaking through the surface.)

(Cut to PHOEBE swimming away under the water, a trail of blood behind her.)


SCENE #29:


(PAIGE is walking across the office. She's carrying a file. MR. BOB COWAN, her
boss, is walking right along side her.)

BOB COWAN: So, uh, how's your sister doing after the fishing accident?

PAIGE: Uh, we're not sure. We haven't found her yet.

BOB COWAN: What, is she lost at sea?

PAIGE: Uh, you could say that.

BOB COWAN: Uh ... Paige!

PAIGE: Look, Mr. Cowan, I may be stubborn at times and late to work often, and
I don't always know when to shut up, like right now, but, trust me, even if I
told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me, so if you'll excuse me, I have an
adoption to save.

BOB COWAN: You forgot insolent. You're very insolent.

PAIGE: You're right. Can I go now?

BOB COWAN: Don't make me regret giving you this promotion, Paige.

(PAIGE nods her head solemnly. She turns away from BOB COWAN and smack into

COLE: Wait. Before you say anything -

PAIGE: Not say, do, because I'm about to orb your family jewels far, far away.

COLE: Yeah, that would hurt, but I'm sure you don't want to use your powers in
front of all these people, do you?

PAIGE: What do you want?

COLE: I want to prove that I've changed, not just to Phoebe, but to you and
Piper as well.

(Before she can say anything, BOB COWAN walks up to the two of them.)

BOB COWAN: Copies of the adoption application and police clearances. Fax them
A.S.A.P. It might sway the agency's decision.

(PAIGE nods her head.)

COLE: I'm familiar with family law. Maybe I could, uh, do some good here.

BOB COWAN: Didn't we fire you?

COLE: Actually, I quit. But now I'm a partner at Jackman, Carter & Kline.

BOB COWAN: So, what are you doing here?

COLE: Came to help Paige.

(COLE puts an arm around PAIGE'S shoulder. She shrugs it off.)

PAIGE: Who doesn't want or need his help.

BOB COWAN: A good social worker knows when to use outside resources. They
don't get much better than Jackman, Carter & Kline.

(BOB COWAN puts the file he's carrying down on PAIGE'S desk and leaves. PAIGE
walks over to her desk and glares at COLE. COLE leans over the desk.)

COLE: Well, you heard him. They don't get much better than me, so let me help
you. I won't be any trouble at all.

PAIGE: No trouble? You've been nothing but trouble. Phoebe was finally happy,
and now you're back, and suddenly she's a --

INTERN: Yellowtail?

(PAIGE turns her head at the eerily accurate remark.)

INTERN: (falters) Your usual lunch order.

(PAIGE swallows.)

PAIGE: Uhh! No fish. Not now, not ever.

(PAIGE leaves. She walks past the young intern who looks perplexed. COLE
follows her.)

(Just before she manages to escape, COLE asks.)

COLE: Um, Phoebe's a what?

(PAIGE grabs COLE and pulls him into a back room.)


(PAIGE is angry.)

PAIGE: You know what Phoebe is? She's a mermaid, do you want to know why?

COLE: I'm sorry. Did you say mermaid?

PAIGE: Yeah. Gills, fins, scales, and all.

COLE: Well, you can fix that, right?

PAIGE: No, Cole, we can't fix that because she wants to be e a mermaid because
you broke her heart.

COLE: I never meant to hurt her.

PAIGE: You didn't mean to do lots of things, but they happened. You are a one-
man death squad. Bodies, blood, and pain follow you wherever you go.

COLE: Well, there may be some truth to that, but it's in my past. I came back
to make up--

PAIGE: Make up for it? If you want to make up for it, go to Tibet, join a
monastery, pray for absolution, but don't put your guilt on us.

COLE: You don't understand. I love --

PAIGE: Love Phoebe? Oh, what is it with you guys? Like it's all about you and
your feelings.

COLE: What about Phoebe's feelings? She still loves me.

PAIGE: Wrong. She doesn't love you. She thinks you're an evil freak with
superpowers from hell and battery acid for blood. She doesn't love you. She
wishes you'd stayed dead.

(This stuns COLE silent.)

COLE: She told you this?

(PAIGE is on a roll.)

PAIGE: Told me? She didn't have to tell me. She's a mermaid. Her body erupted
in scales. She had to turn into a fish to get away from you. Do you get it
now? Listen, the only way you can help us get our sister back is for you to
disappear forever.

(PAIGE walks away from COLE leaving him quiet.)


SCENE #30:


(PIPER continues to write on the walls. She finishes. She takes a breath.
Then casts the spell.)

PIPER: (reading out loud)
Locked in, boxed in, full of fear,
My panic grows manic till I can't hear.
In need of reprieve so that I can breathe.
Remove my fear. Please make it leave."

(As soon as she finishes reading the spell, there is an orange glow. PIPER
walks away from the wall. She stops in front of the mirror and looks at


SCENE #31:


(Fishermen on a trolley raises their net full of their day's catch aboard their
boat. The net is full. The men pull the net loose allowing the catch to fall
into the hold below. Resting above all the fish is PHOEBE.)

(The Captain of the boat reaches in and flips her over. Oh, yeah. It's
definitely PHOEBE. She unconscious.)

CAPTAIN: What the hell...
(The other men stand around and look at her.)


SCENE #32:


(The camera is looking up at The Captain. He's fuzzy and out of focus. His
image slowly refocuses.)

(Cut to PHOEBE lying down. The Captain uses smelling salts to revive her.
PHOEBE awakens and starts to struggle, lashing out with her tail and nearly
hitting the men as they stand so very close to her. The three fishermen take a
step back.)


FISHERMAN 2: Ooh! Watch it!

PHOEBE: No! Get your filthy meat hooks off me!

FISHERMAN 1: Check out the mouth on her.

CAPTAIN: All I care about is the tail.


FISHERMAN 1: How much you think the tabloids would pay to see this?

CAPTAIN: I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to spend the rest of my
life on that boat. Maybe we should be thinking bigger than tabloids here.

FISHERMAN 1: Bigger?

CAPTAIN: Yeah. We bring her in like this, sure, we'll get a small fee, but
mostly we'll just get credit for finding her. Now, on the other hand, if we say
we found her dead, we can sell the body for a fortune.

(From up above, a blue bolt of electricity strikes down between the Captain and
PHOEBE, preventing the Captain from reaching PHOEBE. The blue bolt of
electricity continues and materializes NECRON up on the boat. The fishermen
turn around.)

NECRON: Sorry. Her life belongs to me.

(FISHERMAN 2 in the orange sweater grabs the nearby harpoon and fires it at
NECRON. The metal arrow pierces NECRON straight through the neck and pins him
to the box behind him. NECRON pulls himself off of the arrow, his wound healing

(NECRON fires bolts of electricity from his fingertips toward the CAPTAIN and
the FISHERMAN 2. The two humans fry into dust.)

(Before FISHERMAN 1 can even begin to run, he, too, is turned into dust with
another bolt of electricity.)

(PHOEBE watches all of this from her position on the wooden crate. NECRON
floats down from the boat and lands directly in front of PHOEBE.)

NECRON: Mermaids are such poor, defenseless creatures. I almost feel pity.

PHOEBE: Pity this!

(Not one to give up easily, PHOEBE uses her tail and knocks NECRON backward.
She reaches for the rope hanging above her and pulls on it with all her

PHOEBE: Unh! Uhh!

(It releases the fishhook above making it crash down into NECRON.)


(NECRON falls over backwards into some barrels behind him.)

PIPER: (screaming) Leo! I'm ready to go home now!

(LEO orbs onto the docks.)

LEO: I'm glad you finally came to your senses.

(Behind LEO, NECRON stands up. PHOEBE sees him and grabs LEO'S arm, tugging him
aside. LEO turns around and sees NECRON approaching. He orbs just as NECRON
fires a bolt of electricity. It misses them as they vanish into thin air.)

NECRON: (frustrated) No!

(NECRON looks around. He holds out his arm and with his power, two large black
crows appear on the pipe above. He instructs them.)

NECRON: Go. Find the mermaid.

(The two crows fly away leaving NECRON standing on the docks, angry.)



SCENE #33:


(Camera opens on PHOEBE'S mermaid tail. LEO is sitting next to her on the couch
tending her wound. He's applying pressure to her would since he can't heal her.
PHOEBE'S tail flips up on reflex.)


LEO: (apologizes) Sorry. I was a medic, not a vet.

(PAIGE enters carrying a pitcher of water in one hand and a cut of water in the
other. She puts the pitcher on the table and hands the cup to PHOEBE.)
PAIGE: Here's your water.


(PHOEBE takes the cup and greedily gulps it down.)

PHOEBE: Ugh! Could use a little salt.

LEO: That's about all I can do for it.

PHOEBE: Ok. Well, good enough. Will one of you orb me back to the ocean,

PAIGE: Wait, isn't there a demon after you?

PIPER: (o.s.) Demon?

(PIPER comes down the stairs and enters the room.)

PIPER: Did somebody say demon?

(When his wife enters the room, LEO stands up.)

LEO: Yeah. One chased Phoebe back home.

PIPER: Well, that was nice of it. Welcome home.

PHOEBE: This isn't my home anymore.

PIPER: So, what about this demon? Where is it? I'd like to thank it and then
kill it.

(LEO looks at PAIGE, who also looks just as confused as he is.)

PAIGE: Are you sure you're ok?

PIPER: Yeah. Never better. Ready to face my fears ... like that painting.

(PIPER looks over on the far wall where a small painting hangs.)

PIPER: I hung it on the wall 'cause I was afraid to tell Leo that it was ugly,
but, now ...

(With a flick of her wrist, she blows the painting up. PAIGE looks completely
shocked. PHOEBE looks just as amazed as she finishes up the water in the cup
and puts it back on the table. PIPER moves around the couch to sit next to
PHOEBE. She puts her hands on LEO'S shoulders as she passes him by.)

PIPER: No offense, honey.

(PIPER sits down on the couch.)

PIPER: So, uh, what does this demon look like?

PHOEBE: Tall, dark, and skeletal. Shoots electricity.

PIPER: Paige, we need the Book of Shadows. Can you orb it down here?

PAIGE: You want me to use magic for household chores? I thought you had a
total fear of personal gain.

PIPER: Ah, see? There's that word again: Fear. It's very debilitating. Just
do as I ask.

PAIGE: Book of Shadows.

(PAIGE holds out her hands and the Book of Shadows vanishes from the attic and
ends up in her arms. She hands it to PIPER.)

PHOEBE: Ok, um, I told you everything I know. Can I go home now?

PAIGE: You are home, and you're insane if you think that I am gonna take you

PIPER: Relax, Paige. Everything will be fine.

LEO: Glad you're so calm. Why are you so calm?

PIPER: Well, I just did as you suggested, and now I feel fine.
So can we save Phoebe?

PHOEBE: Ok, you guys, I don't need saving. Ok? All I need are my sea friends
and little shiny objects and to lay on a rock and comb out my hair. I need

(PHOEBE reaches for the pitcher of water on the table next to her.)

PIPER: Got him.

(PIPER has the book of shadows open to a page with a drawing of NECRON as well
as a short description of the being. PHOEBE glances down at the page as she
continues to drink directly from the pitcher of water.)

PHOEBE: Mmm. Yeah, that's him.

LEO: (reading) "Necron: A skeletal being who hovers between life and death.
Has the power to incinerate any living creature" ...

PIPER: (interrupting) Yadda, yadda, yadda.

PAIGE: No wonder he's after Phoebe. If mermaids are immortal and he's stuck
between life and death, then immortality would place him squarely in the life

PHOEBE: Well, he cannot have my immortality. Now will someone please get me
back to the ocean before I suffocate? I need the water!

(PAIGE has had it.)

PAIGE: You want water? I'll get you some water.

(PAIGE stands up.)


SCENE #34:


(LEO puts PHOEBE down into the bathroom tub.)

PHOEBE: Uhh! You are holding me hostage!

PAIGE: Yep, looks like it.

PHOEBE: Look, I am not a common goldfish. I cannot ignore the call of the sea.

PAIGE: Well, the call of the common bathtub is just gonna have to do.

(Frustrated, PHOEBE splashes some water onto PAIGE, who dodges it and glares
back at her sister.)


SCENE #35:


(Camera close up of a speakerphone. As the camera pulls back, we see COLE
pacing the floor near the telephone.)

COLE: (o.s.) Why are you being so difficult?

MAN ON SPEAKERPHONE: (on phone) The regulations concerning this matter are
clear. We cannot accept anything but the original medical report for a legal

(In the background, MORRIS walks into the room. COLE sees him but continues to
talk on the phone. MORRIS waits for COLE to finish his conversation.)

COLE: Well, that really just doesn't work for me.

(COLE waves his hand and the speakerphone glows orange. He asks again.)

COLE: Are you absolutely sure you can't use the faxed copy I sent you?

MAN ON SPEAKERPHONE: (on phone) Of course we can, Mr. Turner. I'll finalize
the adoption immediately.

COLE: Thank you.

MAN ON SPEAKERPHONE: (on phone) Anytime.

(They hang up. COLE turns around to MORRIS who looks just aghast at what he
just witnessed.)

MORRIS: What was that?

COLE: Just helping Paige cut through some red tape.

MORRIS: And she's ok with you using voodoo powers to cheat the system?

COLE: Well, she doesn't know that I'm helping her, and they're not voodoo

MORRIS: Oh, well, what powers are you packing these days? Maybe the power to
turn men into dust?

COLE: What's that supposed to mean?

MORRIS: Three fisherman mysterious vanished today and left behind what the
medical examiner believes to be piles of bone dust.

COLE: And you think I killed them?

MORRIS: You're damn right I do.

COLE: You think I killed them? Me, the guy who saved your surprisingly small
brain from a bullet yesterday?

MORRIS: You don't expect me to believe that you did that for me? I'm just a
pawn in your twisted scam to win Phoebe back.

COLE: I realize that people's reputations precede them, but, contrary to
popular opinion, I am not the Source of all evil anymore. In fact, I'm not the
Source of any evil anymore!

(Tired, COLE sits down. He looks up at MORRIS.)

COLE: I just want my wife back.

(MORRIS stands there watching COLE. For some reason, he believes him. MORRIS
sits down also. He scratches his head trying to find a way to get the message
across to COLE.)

MORRIS: Let's pretend for a second here, just for the sake of argument, that
you saved my butt because you are my friend. So, as your hypothetical friend,
can I give you some advice?

COLE: Yeah.

MORRIS: Don't do this to yourself.

COLE: I can't help it.

MORRIS: You love her. I get it. And your love, it's--it's epic. Ok. Look
what it's doing to you.

(COLE stands up. He walks past Darryl toward something that he sees across the

COLE: Paige says she hates me.

(COLE'S eyes are glued to a picture on the mantle of he and Phoebe. His arms
are around her and she's smiling.)

COLE: She says I should leave for good. You've known her for a long time,
Darryl. What do you think? Should I leave?

(MORRIS stands up and sighs. He takes a couple of steps closer toward COLE.)

MORRIS: (sympathetically) I know you don't want to. But what you want really
doesn't matter. Right?

(COLE stares back at MORRIS as he contemplates his words. There's only one way
that he can truly answer that question.)

COLE: Right.

MORRIS: Well ... there you go.

(MORRIS turns and leaves the room. COLE turns around and looks at the picture
once again.)


SCENE #36:


(PIPER drops something into a large bowl. It explodes with a force that throws
PIPER to the other side of the attic.)

(PIPER sits on the couch, her hair tousled and covering her face.)

PIPER: Oops.

(PAIGE runs down the hallway and into the attic.)

PAIGE: Oh, my god! Are you ok?!

PIPER: Minor setback. It's fine.

(PAIGE grabs the nearest fire extinguisher and proceeds to put out the small
fires in the attic.)

PAIGE: Minor setback? The room is on fire. You're supposed to be figuring out
a way to vanquish Necron, not yourself.

PIPER: Oh, come on. We weren't using any of this junk anyway. Where's the
fish girl?

PAIGE: She's downstairs cooling off in the tub. What are you mixing up here,

PIPER: Oh, a little burdock root and, uh, some eye of newt.

PAIGE: What? You're never, ever supposed to mix those two things together.
That is a volatile combination.

PIPER: Well, Necron's a serious threat. We need a serious potion. Did you
know in the book there's a "witches be warned" on skeletal beings? The last two
that vanquished him, actually, the only two that vanquished him, died in the

PAIGE: Great. So, the rate you're going, you'll be number three. You know, you
ought to be more careful.

PIPER: Hey, a "good plan violently executed this week is better than a perfect
plan executed next week". That's Patton.

PAIGE: Why are you quoting Patton?

PIPER: So I figure if I just double the burdock root--

(PIPER bends over to pick up the Burdock Root. PAIGE stops her.)



PAIGE: No touch. I don't want you or my unborn niece around that.

(PIPER sighs. Downstairs the doorbell rights. PIPER leaves to answer it.)

PAIGE: You shouldn't be inhaling all this smoke when you're pregnant, anyway.

(PIPER reaches the doorway and yells back to PAIGE. LEO turns the corner to the
attic and approaches them.)

PIPER: Ah, Paige, you're such a worrywart!

LEO: What happened?

PIPER: We were just getting ready to kick some demon ass. That's what we do,

(PIPER taps LEO on his angelic "ass" and heads out the doorway to answer the

(The Doorbell rings again.)

PIPER: I'll get it. It's probably Phoebe's interview.

PAIGE: (to PIPER) Well, send them away!

(LEO walks into the attic. He brushes away some of the lingering smoke. He
looks over at PAIGE.)

PAIGE: Don't look at me. She's your wife.

LEO: Does it seem like she overcame her fear a little quickly to you?

PAIGE: I don't know. I guess it's better than her almost having a nervous
breakdown, like she was this morning.

LEO: I'm not so sure.

(LEO walks over to the section of the attic where he found PIPER that morning.
He begins looking at the writing on the wall. PAIGE walks over next to him,
curious at what he's doing.)

PAIGE: What are you looking at?

LEO: To see if she had any help.

PAIGE: Magical help? Piper would never do that.

(PAIGE looks up at the wall and she sees it.)

PAIGE: Oh, no. It's a Fearless spell. Piper wrote a Fearless spell.

(Both PAIGE and LEO are worried.)



SCENE #37:


(PIPER leans over the bathtub busy spreading the bubbles around to make sure
that PHOEBE'S well covered. PHOEBE glances worriedly at someone else who is
also standing in the bathroom.)

[CLOSED CAPTIONED: PHOEBE: Piper! Are you out of your mind?]

NANCY O'DELL: Gosh, I am so sorry. Your sister said we were doing the
interview in the bathroom.

(PIPER smiles at NANCY O'DELL.)

PHOEBE: Well, that should have been your first clue that my sister sprang from
the shallower end of the gene pool.

PIPER: Oh, come on, Phoebe. You wanted fame. Go ahead and grab it. Carpe

PHOEBE: Don't mention carp around me, please.

PIPER: I am doing you a favor. People will think you're bold and daring.
What's better than a celebrity who wants to do an interview in the nude?

PHOEBE: I can be just as fascinating with my clothes on in a TV studio, thank

NANCY O'DELL: Well, actually, you can't. My show is called at home with Nancy

PIPER: See? Fabulous. Fire away.

(PIPER pats PHOEBE on the shoulder, she stands and leaves the room. PHOEBE
stares at the camera, her jaw dropped.)

PHOEBE: (whimpers) Piper.

(NANCY O'DELL smiles at PHOEBE.)


SCENE #38:


(PIPER is standing just outside the bathroom, her ear pressed to the closed
door. PAIGE and LEO find her like that.)

PAIGE: What is going on? We heard Phoebe screa--

PIPER: Shhh. She's doing a tv interview.

PAIGE: In the bathtub?

PIPER: Don't worry. She's not showing any tail. That Nancy O'Dell has, like,
perfect teeth.

LEO: You can't be serious. You're risking exposure to all of us.

PIPER: Now, see? There's your risk-aversion side rearing its ugly head again.

LEO: Piper, we know you cast a Fearless spell.

PIPER: Not a Fearless spell. A Freedom spell. You told me to get rid of my
fear, so that's what I did.

LEO: Yes, but you didn't get rid of it. You just suppressed it.

PIPER: Well, what's the difference? I'm free to be myself and to help others
be themselves.

PAIGE: Ok, but Phoebe's self is a mermaid, and that self is about to be
broadcast on the 6:00 news unless we stop it fast.

PIPER: Now, see? You're only seeing the downside here.

PAIGE: What's the upside?

PIPER: The upside is Phoebe loves her job more than anything else, and doing
this interview will remind her of that and help bring her to her senses.

(PIPER and LEO look at each other.)


SCENE #39:


(PHOEBE sits back in the bathtub giving the interview to NANCY O'DELL.)

PHOEBE: People are chewing entire species into extinction. Take chilean sea
bass. I have yet to even spot one. And swordfish, for example, you might as
well be munchin' on a bald eagle. Heh.

NANCY O'DELL: I, uh, I didn't realize you had such a passion for ... fish.

PHOEBE: Yeah, I do.

(PAIGE walks into the bathroom and interrupts the interview in progress. LEO
and PIPER follow close behind.)

PAIGE: Ok, we're gonna have to end this now.

PHOEBE: It's ok. Ask one more question.

NANCY O'DELL: Um-um, well, so back to your advice to lovers -- it's so real, so
heartfelt, especially lately. Is there a lucky guy in your life that you get
your inspiration from?

PHOEBE: (eyes downcast) No, there's not.

NANCY O'DELL: Really? Then what's with all the love columns?

(The camera PUSHES IN on PAIGE as it suddenly occurs to her the real reason
PHOEBE'S a mermaid.)

PHOEBE: (laughs nervously) I don't know.

PAIGE: (to herself) I think I do. (to NANCY O'DELL) Ok, I'm sorry. We're
really gonna have to wrap this up. Leo.

LEO: Ok, come on. I'll show you downstairs.

NANCY O'DELL: But we're not finished yet.

LEO: I think you are.

(NANCY O'DELL stands up from her seat next to the bathtub and starts to leave.
She turns around to PHOEBE.)

NANCY O'DELL: Oh. We'll reschedule. I'll have my people call your people.

PHOEBE: Ok. Thanks.

NANCY: All right. Bye-bye.

PIPER: Bye, Nance.

NANCY: Bye-bye.

(NANCY O'DELL has left the bathroom. PHOEBE lifts her tail out of the bathtub
water. PIPER turns around and leans in close to PHOEBE.)

PIPER: So, how ya feel?

PHOEBE: Actually, thanks to you, I feel free -- free from the shallowness of
human pursuit, from craving wealth and fame. Now all I crave is the serenity of
the sea.

PAIGE: Ooh. Good job on the Fearless spell.

PHOEBE: What Fearless spell?

(Just then, crows cawing is heard. They look up and see a crow land on the
window ledge.)

PIPER: What the heck is their problem?

(Blue electricity signaling the arrival of NECRON flashes in the bathroom, a
reflection from activity in the hallway.)

PIPER: (to PAIGE) Orb Phoebe to the attic.

PAIGE: What about you?

(PIPER looks out the bathroom door and sees NECRON materialize in the hallway.
She turns around and yells to PAIGE.)

PIPER: (to PAIGE) Just do it!

(As soon as NECRON solidifies, PIPER blows him up. PAIGE grabs PHOEBE'S hand
and orbs themselves out of the bathroom.)

(Cut to Piper as she turns back toward the hallway. PIPER walks out looking for

PIPER: Ok, static man. Very impressive.

(Behind her, NECRON materializes in bolts of blue electricity. He does is quick
enough that he's able to grab PIPER from behind without her seeing him. They
both disappear in a flash of blue electrical light.)



SCENE #40:


(PHOEBE is lounging on the sofa in the attic, spritzing herself with water. LEO
paces the floor.)

LEO: How long is that spell gonna take?

PAIGE: I don't know. It's tricky. There's a lot of factors involved.

PHOEBE: Ok, why can't we just orb to Necron and try the vanquishing potion that
Piper was working on?

PAIGE: Because Piper was under the influence when she mixed that potion, as you
can tell by the lovely remains of our burned-out attic.


LEO: Yeah, so, w-w-w-what happened?

PAIGE: Well, thanks to her Fearless spell, she went straight to an offensive
place with her explosive potion, and I don't think that's the answer.

LEO: Why not? It sounds good to me right now.

PAIGE: Well, because the last two witches that vanquished skeletal beings were
vaporized in the process. I think a Power of Three spell is our best chance of
killing Necron and staying alive.

(PHOEBE continues to spritz herself. LEO looks really worried. He continues to
pace the floor.)

PHOEBE: Can you sense her?

LEO: Yeah.

PHOEBE: Is she hurt?

LEO: Who knows? All I can sense is courage. Lots and lots of courage.

PHOEBE: Well, don't worry, honey. He's not gonna kill her. He needs her alive
if he's gonna get to me.

LEO: Yeah, well ... we still have to hurry before Piper does something stupid
like get Nancy O'Dell an exclusive with Necron.

LEO: You know, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Power of Three spell is
even worth it.

PHOEBE: What do you mean?

LEO: Well, firstly, it's not really a power of three spell. It's more like a
power of 2 1/2 spell, considering you're half a witch. Secondly, I'm worried
that my Fearless wife won't let us interfere to take out Necron.

PHOEBE: She isn't exactly using her best judgment right now.

LEO: I don't even know why she cast that spell, you know? I--I--I could have
helped her through it.

PAIGE: Well, try to see where she's coming from. She's barely been able to
function, and she blames herself for what happened to ... Phoebe.

PHOEBE: Wait a minute. What do you mean, "What happened to Phoebe?" What
happened to me is the best thing that ever happened to me. I am swimming with
the dolphins now. I am ... [Inhales] Basking with Belugas.

PAIGE: Um, Leo, I actually think I've got something, but I need to talk to you
about it alone.

PHOEBE: Ok, you see? This is exactly why I love being a mermaid. There are no
secrets underwater, you know? There are no walls to keep you trapped.

PAIGE: Ok, enough. Leo, stairs.

(PAIGE exits the attic. LEO follows.)

PHOEBE: You guys, wait. Wait, you gu--

(PHOEBE leans over the couch, calling out to them. She tips over and falls to
the floor with a thud.)


SCENE #41:


(PAIGE stops halfway down the stairwell. She turns to LEO who stops right
behind her.)

PAIGE: If we orb Phoebe to the ocean, the second Necron is a pile of dust,
she's out of here for good.

LEO: Do we have another option?

PAIGE: I don't know. Something Nancy O'Dell said in the interview got me
thinking. What if Phoebe's heart isn't as cold as we thought?

LEO: Well, we don't have time to find out.

PAIGE: Well, let's take the time, ok? I don't want to save one sister just to
lose another.

LEO: Well, I'm sorry, Paige, but that is a risk that we have to take.

(LEO heads back to the attic. PAIGE follows.)


SCENE #42:


(PHOEBE struggles to pull herself back on to the couch.)


(Tired, she finally gives up and grabs the water spray and starts spritzing
herself. LEO and PAIGE walk back into the attic.)

PHOEBE: All right. What'd you guys say about me?

PAIGE: I said I thought you were gonna swim away the moment we save Piper. Are

LEO: Come on. We have to hurry.

(LEO holds out his hand to PHOEBE. She grabs it. Together they all start to
orb out of the attic. PAIGE watches them orb, never intending to orb with them.
She lets go of LEO'S hand.)

PAIGE: (softly) This better work.

(PAIGE runs out of the attic.)


SCENE #43:


(PHOEBE and LEO re-energize on the beach.)

PHOEBE: Where's Paige?

(LEO turns around, surprised that she's not with him. He sighs.)


SCENE #44:


(PIPER is tied to a large metal grid held over the ocean pool. NECRON stands on
the side.)

NECRON: I think we've given your sisters enough time to worry about you. Now
call for your whitelighter.

PIPER: Or what?

(NECRON holds out his hand and flicks his wrist. The grid slowly lowers into
the ocean. It stops descending when the water reaches her knees.)

PIPER: (sarcastic) Oh, please, please. Somebody help me. The mean demon is
dipping me into the water, and it's really cold.

NECRON: Attack!

(Under the water, two electric eels swim around the iron grid. As they pass
through the grid, bolts of electricity sear through the grid electrocuting PIPER
and making the ocean salt water boil. Electricity surges, PIPER gasps and

(It stops.)

(Panting, PIPER catches her breath. She looks up at NECRON and smiles.)

PIPER: Is that the best you got?

NECRON: Again.

(The two electric eels wrap their bodies around the metal grid. The electricity
surges, the water bubbles. PIPER tosses her head back and screams.)


SCENE #45:


(PAIGE walks across the living room looking for COLE.)

PAIGE: Cole?

COLE: Paige, you don't have to break into my apartment. I'm leaving. I'm
taking your advice.

PAIGE: Don't. I've been known to give very bad advice.

COLE: I beg your pardon?

PAIGE: Phoebe needs your help.

COLE: [Chuckles] I know. That's why I'm going away. It's the best way to help
her. Now, if you'll excuse me.


(COLE turns away, PAIGE puts a hand on him to stop him. COLE looks down at the

COLE: What are you doing?

PAIGE: Please, I can't let you leave.

(If this is a joke, COLE'S not laughing.)

COLE: What kind of game are you playing?

PAIGE: I'm not playing any games. I told you Phoebe needs your help.

COLE: And you need psychological help.

(COLE walks into the other room. PAIGE follows him.)

PAIGE: Ok, that's probably true, especially because I cannot believe what I am
about to say, but I think ... Phoebe's still in love with you.

(COLE turns around.)

COLE: (scoffs) Oh, yeah. Uh, "Phoebe hates you so much her body erupted in
scales." That's what you said this morning.

PAIGE: Ok, maybe an unfortunate choice of words. I thought Phoebe was running
away because she hated you, but now I think it's because she loves you.

(COLE stands still allowing for a split second of hope. He turns around to look
at PAIGE.)

COLE: You think?

PAIGE: It's a theory. Look, her advice column has been obsessed with love ever
since you left.

(COLE starts to pack his things in his briefcase.)

COLE: You told me to go away. Phoebe said it. Darryl said it. I got the
message. Now you're changing your opinion based on a theory?

(PAIGE sighs and moves to stand in front of COLE.)

PAIGE: What if I can prove it?

COLE: Only Phoebe can prove that she still loves me.

PAIGE: You're right.
Open Phoebe's heart to Cole.
Reveal the secret that it holds.
Bring forth the passion of love's fire
That he may feel her true desire.

(Above COLE, a circular ring of lights spin above his head. COLE looks up at
the orange lights and asks.)

COLE: What did you do?

(PAIGE watches as the orange lights spin faster and faster. They finally pierce
through COLE'S heart. COLE gasps. The orange light glows in his chest. He
whimpers in heart-broken pain.)

COLE: Phoebe.

(The orange lights leave COLE and disappears into the air.)

PAIGE: I guess she loves you more than either of us realized.

(COLE doesn't say anything. The camera holds on COLE.)


SCENE #46:


(PHOEBE is laying back on the rocks and basking in the sun's warmth. LEO orbs
into the area next to her.)

LEO: Paige wasn't in the manor. I don't know where the hell she is.

PHOEBE: Ok, well, forget her. Let's go find Piper.

LEO: Yeah, but you need the power of three to take out Necron. He's hurting
her again.

PHOEBE: He wants me. I'm going alone.

LEO: No!

PHOEBE: Leo, I can't let anything happen to Piper or the baby.

LEO: Yeah, but, Phoebe -- you wait here for Paige.

PHOEBE: I'm gonna go buy us some time.

LEO: Yeah, but, Phoebe!

(PHOEBE jumps off of the rocks and into the ocean. The flick of her golden tail
the last thing LEO sees as she disappears under the ocean.)


SCENE #47:


(NECRON continues to torture PIPER. NECRON sits on the side completely bored.
The electric bolts stop.)

PIPER: Ok, I've had enough. Your treatment of me is shocking. Get it?

(NECRON stands.)

NECRON: Do you have a death wish?

PIPER: You're not demon enough to kill me. You would have done it already if
you were.

NECRON: On the contrary. I wasn't hungry until now. But it's just about my
feeding time.

(NECRON holds out his arm when he's interrupted by a splash. PHOEBE breaks
through the surface.)

PHOEBE: Let her go! It's me that you want.

(NECRON holds out his hand and the dreaded auger shell appears.)

PIPER: Oh, look out, Phoebe. He's packin' a sea shell.

NECRON: You know what this is?

PHOEBE: Yeah. Auger shell -- sucks eternal life. Look, I will give you my
immortality if you let my sister go.

(With a wave of his arm, NECRON sends the metal grid flying across the far wall,
PIPER is still attached to it.)



(PHOEBE moves to the other side of the pool to where PIPER is. PIPER is on the
ground on her stomach and in pain.)


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