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#209 : Usurpation d'identité

Miss Hellfire, une tueuse professionnelle, est engagée pour assassiner les sœurs Halliwell. A la dernière minute, Prue parvient à éliminer la meurtrière. Grâce à ses pouvoirs magiques, elle prend l'identité de Miss Hellfire et découvre qui a commandité l'assassinat. Il s'agit de Barbas, le démon dont elle croyait s'être débarrassé lors du vendredi 13 de l'année précédente.

> En plus : les captures


4.53 - 17 votes

Titre VO
Ms. Hellfire

Titre VF
Usurpation d'identité

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Trailer de l'épisode

Trailer de l'épisode





Photos promo

Prue face à Barbas

Prue face à Barbas

Une liste de noms à éliminer et les soeurs Halliwell en font partie

Une liste de noms à éliminer et les soeurs Halliwell en font partie

Piper fige une balle

Piper fige une balle

Bane Jessup, un criminel (Antonio Sabato Jr)

Bane Jessup, un criminel (Antonio Sabato Jr)

Prue et Bane Jessup, un criminel

Prue et Bane Jessup, un criminel

Prue prend l'identité d'une tueuse à gage

Prue prend l'identité d'une tueuse à gage

Phoebe (Alyssa Milano, Prue (Shannen Doherty) et Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Phoebe (Alyssa Milano, Prue (Shannen Doherty) et Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Phoebe (Alyssa Milano, Prue (Shannen Doherty) et Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Phoebe (Alyssa Milano, Prue (Shannen Doherty) et Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Piper, Prue et Phoebe évitent une tueuse à gages

Piper, Prue et Phoebe évitent une tueuse à gages

Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Piper (Holly Marie Combs)

Piper face à Prue qui utilise son don d'ubiquité

Piper face à Prue qui utilise son don d'ubiquité

Une tueuse à gage à été éliminée par les soeurs

Une tueuse à gage à été éliminée par les soeurs

Piper se précipite pour figer une balle

Piper se précipite pour figer une balle

Plus de détails


Remarques et anecdotes :

  • Il s'agit de l'épisode où Darryl apprend le secret des filles.
  • Cet épisode est le premier dans lequel Prue voit son pouvoir évoluer.
  • Cet épisode a été diffusé le 13 janvier qui n'était pas un vendredi en l'an 2000.
  • Cet épisode est le premier avec Bane Jessup, qui revient six épisodes plus tard. Jenny est mentionnée une dernière fois par Dan, qui dit qu'elle est repartie vivre avec ses parents.

Réalisateur : Craig Zisk | Scénariste : Constance M. Burge

  • Acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
  • Shannen Doherty... Prue Halliwell
  • Holly Marie Combs... Piper Halliwell
  • Alyssa Milano... Phoebe Halliwell
  • Greg Vaughan... Dan Gordon
  • Dorian Gregory... Darryl Morris

Acteurs secondaires et invités dans l'épisode :

  • Billy Drago...Barbas
  • Antonio Sabato Jr.... Bane Jessup
  • Lochlyn Munro ...Jack Sheridan
  • Courtney Gaines....BJ, le bras-droit de Bane
  • Carlo Castronovo.... Willis
  • Tom Simmons ....Le médecin
  • Wendi Bromley... Madame Hellfire (non créditée)
  • Marcus Shirock... Un méchant (non crédité)
  • Ken Waters ... Le barman (non crédité)



Les soeurs Halliwell sont chez elles. Piper dit que même si c'est vendredi 13, elle n'est pas du tout inquiète. A ce moment-là, quelqu'un se met à tirer sur elle. Piper fige les balles et toutes les trois se cachent derrière le canapé. Elles entendent un bruit près de la porte d'entrée. Elles se préparent à attaquer leur agresseur mais c'est un piège et une femme avec une mitrailleuse leur tire dessus. Prue utilise son pouvoir pour renvoyer les balles vers la femme, qui est tuée sur le coup. Elle découvre que c'est une tueuse à gage, sans aucun pouvoir surnaturel et qu'elle a déjà tué 9 personnes de sa liste. Il ne reste que le nom des soeurs et celle de Marcy Stedwell mais il est écrit que celle-ci va exploser à 10H00. Les trois soeurs téléphonent à Darryl et lui expliquent la situation. Il leur demande des explications et elles finissent par lui dire qu'elles sont des sorcières. Il va avec Phoebe chez la femme de la liste. Celle-ci est en train d'ouvrir la porte de son magasin quand Darryl se jette sur elle au moment où la bombe explose.

Marcy est toute contente car elle dit que c'est la première fois qu'une de ses formules de protection fonctionne. Piper et Prue vont chez Buckland car il y a encore un nouveau patron qui veut voir tout le monde et Prue est déjà en retard. Il leur explique qu'ils seront par équipe de deux et qu'ils devront vendre 100 000 $ pour le lendemain. Ceux qui ne l'auront pas fait seront virés. Piper fait signe à Prue de se dépêcher mais celle-ci est retenue à cause de Jack qui lui explique qu'ils vont devoir s'y mettre tout de suite. Prue apparaît alors à côté de Piper et se rend compte qu'elle a maintenant le pouvoir de projection astrale, c'est-à-dire qu'elle peut être à deux endroits en même temps. Piper et Prue vont chez Mme Hellfire, la tueuse à gage. Prue semble adorer sa garde-robe et essaie un manteau.

A ce moment-là, des hommes armés arrivent et demandent à Prue de les accompagner car ils pensent qu'elle est la tueuse. Piper les fige mais Prue dit que c'est une bonne idée car elle pourra savoir qui est à l'origine de ces meurtres. Elle rencontre ensuite Bane Jessup, son employeur qui est visiblement sous le charme et qui lui offre pleins de bijoux et de fleurs. Mais Bane n'est qu'un intermédiaire car le vrai commanditaire est Barabas, le démon de la peur. Il comprend que Prue a pris la place de Hellfire. Marcy Stedwell est chez les soeurs Halliwell. Celles-ci comprennent que Barabas est derrière tout ça car sur la liste, il y avait le nom de 13 sorcières.

Prue décide de repartir voir Bane pour combattre Barabas malgré que Piper et Phoebe ne soient pas d'accord. Prue finit par trouver Barabas qui utilise son pouvoir pour l'obliger à tuer ses soeurs. Piper et Phoebe vont chez Mme Hellfire et trouvent Prue qui essaie de les tuer. Elles finissent par lui faire comprendre qu'elles sont ses soeurs et qu'elle n'a pas à les tuer. Elles retournent toutes les trois voir Bane et Barabas. Piper les fige jusqu'à minuit. Barabas part en fumée. Bane explique à Prue qu'il ne l'oubliera jamais. Prue décide de vendre tous les bijoux de Hellfire pour garder son travail et elle récolte 250 000 $. Jack qui était venue chez elle pour lui demander des explications au sujet de son absence la journée d'avant finit par l'inviter à prendre un verre.

Teleplay by: Constance M. Burge & Sheryl J. Anderson
Transcribed by: Shay Fitzpatrick

[Scene: Manor. Solarium. Prue's on the phone. Phoebe's sitting at the table eating her breakfast.]

Prue: Alright, I can meet with the Curson Foundation at noon but then well have move my 1:00 lunch regarding the Low estate. That will affect slide presentation and my 4:30 meeting with the new printers. Have you confirmed Mrs. Swansen yet?

Phoebe: The last Tai Kwan class is at seven.

Prue: Okay. I can meet the printers at their office, walk to the Royal Hotel afterwards for my 5:30 with Mrs. Swansen. (to Phoebe) Just have enough time to make it to kick boxing class. (to Moni) Plane doesn’t arrive till six?

(Prue’s cell/mobile phone rings.)

Phoebe: So much for timo. Oh, that’s your phone, I will get it for you.

Prue: Thanks, it’s probably Jack.

Phoebe: You don’t have time for Jack, literally. (She answers it.) Prue Halliwell’s phone. (to Prue) It’s Mr. Cauldwell’s office.

Prue: The new V.P. Monique, why is Mr. Cauldwell calling me at home? What? Emergency staff meeting. When this morning?

Phoebe: 9:30. Be there or be fired.

Prue: I’m on my way.

Phoebe: Bye. (They hang up.) I am very tired and now I need a nap.

Prue: Yeah, well, I need another me. I don’t even have time to have fun anymore.

(Piper enters carrying a bag.)

Phoebe: Oh, look who it is.

Piper: Morning.

Phoebe: Hi. Do you recognize that person?

Prue: I don't know, she looks vaguely familiar. Kind of like a sister we used to have. What was her name? Pi... P...

Phoebe: Pi... Pippy?

Prue: Pipper?

Phoebe: Whatever happened to her?

Prue: I don't know. She fell in lust with the next door neighbour, started spending all her time there.

Piper: That's because she could, for the first time in months, her life was nice and calm and normal. I don't even care that it’s Friday...

Phoebe: Shh! Don’t even say it.

Piper: The 13th. See, I said it and nothing happened.

(Suddenly someone starts shooting through the windows of the house. They scream and run past the dining room, into the living room. Prue and Phoebe dive behind the couch and Piper stays on the other side of the room.)

Phoebe: I told you not to say it!

Piper: Oh, so this is my fault?

Prue: Run!

Piper: No!

Phoebe: Get your butt over here right...

(She runs past the table and freezes the bullets and glass that’s coming towards her. She hides behind the couch. The person stops shooting and they peek over the top of the couch and the person starts shooting again. They duck behind the couch.)

Prue: Oh, like I need this today. (The person stops shooting.)

Phoebe: Since when do demons use bullets?

Piper: Maybe it’s not a demon.

Prue: Who else would want to kill us?

Phoebe: Well, you know, you were a little sharp to the mailman yesterday, we all know how testy they can be.

(They hear the door knob on the front door rattling.)

Piper: Freeze.

Phoebe: Kick.

Prue: Send flying.

Phoebe: Okay.

(They wait for the door to open but then a woman comes out of the dining room. She shoots, Prue uses her power, the bullets stop in front of them and then flies back to the woman and kills her. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run over to her. The woman is bleeding.)

Prue: Oh, my God, she’s not a demon.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. They are looking at all the things that were in the woman’s purse.]

Phoebe: Multiple aliases.

Piper: Foreign currency and throwing stars.

(Prue winds up the lipstick and a blade pops up.)

Prue: Not exactly Avon calling.

(Piper finds a key to an apartment.)

Piper: "Sutro Heights Apartments." That’s a lit scary. She didn’t live too far from here.

Phoebe: What’s even scarier is that we’ve never been attacked by a mortal before.

Prue: Yeah, I’ve never killed a mortal before either.

Phoebe: Prue, you had no choice.

Prue: Still doesn’t make it any easier.

Piper: Does it make it easier if the mortal was a hit woman?

(Piper’s looking at the woman’s planner.)

Prue: A list of names. So?

Piper: Yeah, look closer. We’re on it. Or at least one of us is. "P. Halliwell" and other that a "M. Steadwell" we’re the only other name not crossed off.

Prue: A hit woman. Someone obviously hired her. (Prue flips through the planner.) Someone who knew we have powers. I mean, look.

Piper: Prue – Telekinesis, Piper – Power to freeze, Phoebe – Negligible.

Phoebe: What? Negligible?

Piper: Well, that explains why she drove us to the front door and surprised us from behind.

Prue: So, why would a demon hire a mortal to kill us. It doesn’t make sense.

Piper: I just wish we knew about that part of the equation before we called…

(Darryl knocks on the door and walks in.)

Prue: Darryl, hi, thanks for coming.

Darryl: To tell you the truth, I’m not sure if I actually want to be here. Depends on whether or not you tell me the truth this time.

Phoebe: Someone tried to kill us.

Darryl: Did you see who it was?

Prue: She’s in there.

Darryl: She?

(Darryl walks over to her.)

Piper: We were just sorta standing here talking when suddenly she started shooting up the place.

Phoebe: A hit woman we think.

Prue: She obviously wanted us dead, we were on her list.

Darryl: And that’s why you’re standing here alive and she’s in here riddled with bullets.

Prue: It was self defence. You can check her gun if you don’t believe us. The only finger prints you’re gonna find on it are hers.

Darryl: Begs the same question. How come she’s got the bullets in her body if you didn’t fire the gun?

Phoebe: Do you really wanna know, Darryl?

Darryl: Tell me.

Phoebe: We’re witches. We have powers.

Piper: And we think that there's a... how do I put this? A demon behind this.

Prue: The only way for us to find out who it is, is if you can keep all of this quiet for as long as possible.

Darryl: Let me see the book.

(Piper hands him the planner.)

Phoebe: There are nine names that are crossed out. Besides us there is only one name that’s not crossed out.

Darryl: "Plastique, 10 a.m." Plastique explosives. For all we know she’s probably got some place already rigged to blow.

Prue: Maybe it’s some place M. Steadwell is supposed to be at ten.

(Phoebe looks at Piper’s watch.)

Phoebe: Okay, it’s after nine already.

Darryl: I’ll check the ------, see if I can get an address.

Phoebe: I‘m gonna go with you.

Piper: Prue and I can go to her apartment and see if we can find anything there.

Prue: After we make a quick stop at Bucklands.

Piper: Are you kidding?

Prue: Can’t lose my job.

Phoebe: What do we do with the …

Darryl: I can call in a favour and put the body on ice but it’s not gonna buy you much time. One day max.

[Scene: Bucklands. In an office. There’s a staff meeting there.]

V.P.: As the new regional V.P. of Bucklands auction houses, I’ll be implementing a new course of action for the new millennium. (Prue sneaks in and sits down.) The problem is I don’t know any of you well enough to know who’s worth keeping and who’s not.

Jack: (whispering to Prue) You’re late, partner.

Prue: (whispering) We are not partners.

Jack: Do you wanna bet?

V.P.: Dark hair. Yeah, the one who tried to sneak in late. What’s your name?

Prue: My name? Uh, Prue, Prue-Prue Halliwell.

V.P.: Yeah, right, okay, you’ll be partnered with Sheridan there. Every employee in this room and their partner, has until tomorrow night to scour through the obits. Do whatever you have to do to raise $100,000 of auction material. (Prue raises her hand.) Yes.

Prue: By tomorrow?

V.P.: If you want to keep your job. Welcome to the new Bucklands. (He leaves.)

Jack: Whoa. I guess we better clear the decks, huh? You know, Prue, we might even have to work over dinner.

(Piper’s standing outside impatiently.)

Prue: Dinner, no.

Jack: Come on, we’re in this together aren’t we?

Prue: Yeah, but…

(Suddenly Prue astral projects outside where Piper’s standing.)

Piper: Prue?

(The Prue inside the office is just sitting still with her eyes closed.)

Jack: Prue? (Prue astral projects back into her body.) Prue, have you even heard a word I’ve said?

Prue: No, I’m feeling a little weird. I’ll be, uh…ooh. (She gets up and walks over to Piper.)

Piper: What the hell just happened?

Prue: I don’t know. I think it was some sort of astral projection.

Piper: How did you do it?

Prue: I don’t know. I just had this desperate need for there to be two of me and all of a sudden there was.

Piper: Do you think this is part of your powers growing?

Prue: Maybe. I mean, if I can move things with my mind, why not my body.

Piper: Well, let’s just get out of here before it happens again.

Commercial Break

[Scene: In Darryl’s car. Phoebe and Darryl are on their way to M. Steadwell’s place. The sirens are on and Darryl’s driving really fast.]

Phoebe: Hey, you know, you can ask me anything you want about being a witch.

Darryl: No thanks.

Phoebe: It’s actually really cool. We have this book. It’s called the Book of Shadows.

Darryl: Too much information, Phoebe.

Phoebe: No, but it’s…

Darryl: Nothing I want to know about. I’m serious. I don’t want anything.

Phoebe: Come on, you don’t even know if we can fly or anything like that?

Darryl: I don’t even wanna know if you own a damn broom, a skillet, a cauldron, a dust buster, I don’t give a damn.

(He speeds around a corner.)

Phoebe: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Darryl: Phoebe, I stare down death everyday, but I’m trained to handle it and that’s in this world. I don’t know if I want to be dragged into another one.

Phoebe: You know, I think it’s too late, Darryl. But we won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. Are you sure this is the right address?

Darryl: Better hope so. It’s the only M. Steadwell registered. Damn, it’s almost 10:00.

[Cut to M. Steadwell’s shop. She puts the key in the lock. You can see a bomb attached to the door in the inside.]

[Cut back to the car.]

Phoebe: Oh, is that her?

(They pull up outside the shop. Darryl gets out. M. Steadwell turns the door handle.)

Darryl: No! Don’t! No!

(Darryl runs over to her and pushes her away from the door. The door opens and the place blows up.)

Phoebe: Darryl?! Oh my God, is everyone okay?

Darryl: Yeah. You okay, Miss Steadwell?

Miss. Steadwell: It worked. I can’t believe it. I cast a protection spell and it actually worked. My first spell. (She starts laughing.)

Darryl: Don’t tell me she’s a witch too.

[Scene: The hit woman’s apartment. Prue and Piper walk in.]

Prue: Look at this place. ------ pictures, silk woven rugs, I could get used to living here in a hurry.

Piper: Yeah, you just have to know who to kill. I’m gonna check the kitchen.

Prue: Alright, I got the bedroom. (She walks in the bedroom.) Wow! (She sees fur coats and leather clothes in the wardrobe.) Oh! Oh! Oh my! Oh, nice. Ooh.

[Cut to Piper. She looks in the fridge and the cupboards. They’re both empty.]

[Cut back to Prue. She opens a cupboard and sees wigs and jewellery.]

[Cut back to Piper. She looks at the mail and "current resident" is written on it.]

[Cut back to Prue. She’s now wearing a leather dress and coat. She looks in the mirror and starts twirling. Piper enters.]

Piper: She must not have lived here long, all the mail is marked resident. Were you twirling?

Prue: No but opportunity knocked and I did it... answered. Check out this wardrobe.

Piper: Um, Prue, honey, focus.

Prue: I can’t. It’s not just the clothes. Wigs, make-up kits, prosthetic enhancements.

Piper: I wonder if anyone really knew what she looked like?

Prue: I doubt it.

Piper: If it weren’t for the roses, we wouldn’t even know what to call her.

Prue: What roses?

Piper: They’re in the living room addressed to Ms. Hellfire.

Prue: Really?

Piper: Mmm hmm.

(Prue walks in the living room and reads the card on the roses.)

Prue: "Until we meet at last, Bane."

(Three guys enter the apartment holding guns.)

DJ: Don’t move. Don’t even flinch or you’re dead. That’s it, now slowly turn around. Watch her hands, she can kill within a second. Ms. Hellfire, I assume.

Prue: You Bane?

DJ: I’m his right hand man, DJ. Bane is very unhappy with you. He’d like to see you now.

(Piper freezes them.)

Piper: Okay, sorry to disappoint you boys. Let’s go, get outta here, come on.

Prue: Um, you know, they think I’m Hellfire.

Piper: So…

Prue: So maybe I should go with them. I mean, maybe the best way to find out who hired her is to pretend to be her.

Piper: Okay, that’s very funny, let’s go.

Prue: Piper, I’m serious. I mean, you said yourself, nobody knows what she looks like, certainly not this Bane guy.

Piper: Prue, somebody might know what she looks like.

Prue: Yeah, but I can protect myself. I mean, I have something that they don’t have. Something guns can’t compete with.

Piper: Today may not be the best day to boast about your powers.

Prue: Okay, look, if this hit woman was hired by a demon, then it’s only a matter of time that he finds out that P. Halliwell is still alive and send someone else. So we have to do something. I mean, if you’ve got any other ideas then I’m certainly game.

Piper: I know, and unfortunately I don’t.

Prue: Okay, so unfreeze them.

Piper: Is it just me or are you a little too eager to play this role.

Prue: It’s not a bad role to play.

Piper: True. If you wanna get yourself…

Prue: I’ll be fine.

(Piper goes in the other room and unfreezes them.)

DJ: Are you gonna make this easy or not?

Prue: Put that thing away before you hurt yourself.

(Prue and the guys leave.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: Bane’s place. Bane and a guy is there.]

Guy: I swear to God, Bane. I tried to get the money for you but... I messed up, I messed up. I was scared, I didn’t know how you were gonna react.

Bane: You lied to me.

Guy: I didn’t know, I didn’t know.

Bane: You made a mistake and you’re sorry for it, right?

(Bane sees Prue walk in.)

Guy: Yeah.

Bane: Well, lesson learned alright. Just never lie to me again. Understood?

Guy: Thank you.

(Bane walks up to Prue.)

Bane: Wow, you are more beautiful than I imagined.

Prue: So we finally meet.

Bane: Did you like the roses?

Prue: I would have preferred orchids.

Bane: Beautiful and honest. Let’s take a walk. (to DJ) You know what to bring. (Prue and Bane walk up the stairs.) What do I call you?

Prue: What you always call me.

Bane: Ms. Hellfire seems so cold in person. Unless your emails to me has been a tease.

Prue: I think you know me better than that.

(They sit down.)

Bane: Do I? You didn't confirm the Halliwell's this morning.

Prue: Uh, I didn't have a clean shot.

Bane: That’s disappointing. What about the last one on the list?

Prue: Steadwell? It was a blast.

Bane: Like your style. Always have. The problem is you still got the Halliwell’s but you’ve only got until midnight to take them out.

Prue: Um, don’t worry about the Halliwells, I know their every move.

Bane: I’m getting a lot of pressure, you know.

Prue: From who?

Bane: You know.

Prue: Of course.

(DJ pours champagne in two glasses. Prue’s phone rings.)

DJ: Aren’t you gonna answer that?

Prue: Yeah. (She answers it.) Hello?

Jack: Hey, what happened to you this morning, you completely disappeared.

Prue: I’m with a client.

Jack: Well, they’d better be a rich client. Time is money.

Bane: Champagne? (Bane hands Prue a glass.)

Jack: Champagne at this hour? Where are you?

Prue: Me?

Bane: To us. (They clink their glasses.)

Jack: Hey, Prue, you know me, I’m all for having a good time but we’re under serious pressure here.

Prue: Yeah, I know…

(Prue astral projects to her office.)

Jack: Are you there?

Prue: Oh God.

Jack: Prue?

(She astral projects back in her body.)

Bane: Are you alright? What happened?

Jack: Prue, what the hell’s going on?

Prue: I’ll call you back. (She hangs up.) Sorry.

Bane: Maybe you better hold off on this one. At least until the job is completed.

Prue: Guess I better be going.

Bane: You’re not going anywhere. Not without my driving ya.

(Prue starts walking down the stairs.)

Bane: (to DJ) Tell him, I’m on it.

DJ: Hey, man, why me? I don’t even know the guy.

Bane: You will. Just go to my office, he’ll show. Okay.

[Cut to Bane’s office. DJ walks in. Barbas appears.]

Barbas: Looking for me?

DJ: Where the hell did you come from?

Barbas: You really don’t wanna know. Trust me. Why aren’t the witches dead?

DJ: Witches?

Barbas: Answer me.

DJ: How’d you know they weren’t dead?

Barbas: One develops a sixth sense about such things when you’ve been in purgatory for as long as I have. I made a deal. It gives me a twenty-four hour window to break free but you people, you gotta kill those witches if I’m gonna be successful.

DJ: Who are you?

Barbas: A demon. A demon who has the power to turn the innermost fear of a mortal into reality and there’s nothing you can do about it. Want to see? (He passes his hand in front of DJ’s face.) Your greatest fear is that your boss is being doubled crossed and when he finds out he’s gonna kill you for not protecting him. (A pretend Bane appears and starts shooting at DJ. DJ starts yelling. Bane then disappears.) Pretty cool, huh?

[Scene: Manor. Dan’s looking at the broken window. Piper’s there holding the phone.]

Dan: I can have my crew install some temporary windows some time by tonight.

Piper: Great, thanks.

Dan: You waiting for a call?

Piper: Yeah, I'm just a little worried about Prue.

Dan: I wouldn’t blame you after what happened. What makes you think it was a drive by?

Piper: Um, I don’t know. A wild guess, I guess.

Dan: I want you to move in with me.

Piper: Huh?

Dan: At least until the permanent windows are installed. If it’s your sisters you’re worried about, they can move in too. Since Jenny moved back with her folks there’s just plenty of room.

Piper: Uh, I don’t know if that’s such a great idea. Some of us don’t wear pyjamas.

Dan: I’m serious. Because if things worked out, maybe you could stay permanently. If you wanted to.

(Phoebe and Miss Steadwell enter the house.)

Phoebe: Piper?

Piper: In here. (to Dan) I don’t know what to say.

Dan: Say you’ll think about it.

Marcy: Oh, is he a war-

(Piper freezes her and Dan.)

Piper: Who’s she?

Phoebe: Would you believe M. Steadwell. How’s Dan?

Piper: Just asked me to move in. Where’s Morris?

Phoebe: Uh, he’s at the morgue putting the hit woman’s body under Marcy’s name. Where’s Prue?

Piper: Way overdue. She’s assuming the identity of the hit woman.

Phoebe: What?

Piper: Yeah, and guess what. She’s got a new power, she can astral project now.

Phoebe: Are you kidding me?

Piper: Nope.

Phoebe: Are you kidding me?

Piper: Nope.

Phoebe: I hate her.

Piper: I know. Alright, I’m gonna send Dan home, you keep Marcy in the house until this is all over.

Phoebe: Yeah, alright, then we’ll talk.

Piper: Yeah.

[Scene: The hit woman’s apartment. Prue and Bane walk inside.]

Prue: Well, thanks for the… (She sees orchids all around the room.) ride.

Bane: You said you preferred orchids.

Prue: I’m impressed.

Bane: I’m glad. Now close your eyes. Trust me. (Prue closes them. He gets a jewellery case out of his pocket.) Alright, open them. (She does so.) And open this when I leave okay? Now remember, three Halliwell’s by midnight. On second thought, make it by ten. It gives me more time to take care of them myself in case you fail.

(He kisses Prue then leaves. She opens up the case and an expensive diamond necklace is in it.)

[Scene: Coroner’s office. A coroner is there. DJ and Barbas walk in.]

Coroner: Wait a minute, you can’t come in here. (DJ pushes him on to a table.) What do you want?

Barbas: Why, your greatest fear of course. Which... (He passes his hand in front of the coroner’s face.) is being autopsied yourself.

(An implement turns on and flies up in the air ready to attack the coroner. The coroner yells. DJ and Barbas open up a cold room and pull out a body. They unzip the body bag and the hit woman’s in it.)

Barbas: Doesn’t look much like an explosion victim to me. (DJ shakes his head.) I think your fears of a double crosser are justified.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Marcy is looking in the cupboard.]

Marcy: Oh my stars!

(Phoebe and Piper walk in.)

Piper: What is it? What’s wrong?

Marcy: You can’t keep wolfsbane and holy thistle on the same shelf. Their harmonics are in complete opposition. I mean I don’t want to second guess a sister witch but this is all wrong. I don’t see how you can cast a spell that’s worth a darn.

Piper: Now wait just a minute, Missy.

(A car door slams from outside. Phoebe looks out the window.)

Phoebe: Oh my God. Prue’s home… I think.

Piper: That’s Prue alright.

(They walk out of the kitchen. Prue comes in.)

Phoebe: Wow.

Piper: Gee, Prue, it looks like being a hired killer agrees with you.

Prue: I don’t want to risk anyone seeing me out of uniform.

Piper: We’ve been worried sick about you.

Prue: I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to jeopardise my cover.

Piper: And nice Porsche. A gift from Bane?

Prue: No, Bane prefers... never mind. Look, I need to get back before they get suspicious. Tell me what you know.

Phoebe: We know M. Steadwell is safe.

Piper: Can’t say the same for the kitchen.

Prue: And idea why she was on the list?

Phoebe: Could be because she's a witch. I mean, not a magical witch but a witch practitioner, none the less.

Piper: A hyperactive witch practitioner.

Prue: I wonder if all the names were witches? How many were on the list?

Piper: Eleven. Except 'P. Halliwell' was only down once, so if you count us individually, thirteen.

Prue: Thirteen dead witches by midnight on Friday the thirteenth. Ring any bells?

Piper: Barbas.

Prue: Gotta be.

Phoebe: It can't be. I mean, we eighty-sixed him already.

Prue: He must have found some kind of loop hole. I gotta get back to Bane, try and flush Barbas out.

Piper: Prue, you can't go back there.

Prue: Piper, it's almost eight. I have got to get to Barbas fast otherwise Bane's gonna want to see three bodies - our bodies.

Phoebe: Have fun.

Prue: Phoebe, I'm working.

Piper: More like you're working it. Come on, Prue. I've taken a walk on the dark side. I know all the signs.

Prue: Okay, so it's a little different.

Phoebe: And dangerous.

Prue: I can handle it.

Piper: Prue, Barbas can paralyse you and use your greatest fear against you. You don't want to face that alone.

Prue: How? I've already conquered my fear of drowning. What else can he do?

Phoebe: Maybe tap into some other fear. You can't defeat him alone, Prue.

Prue: I know that. But for now I'll be okay. I'll call you guys and check in in an hour.

(She leaves.)

[Scene: A night club. Prue walks in wearing leather pants, a small leather top and a long fur coat. Bane sees her. He walks up to her.]

Bane: You look like you're ready to celebrate. Are the Halliwell's dead?

(Prue takes off her coat.)

Prue: The night's young. We have a little bit of business to discuss.

Bane: What, all work and no play?

Prue: Oh we'll play. Right after I get my money.

Bane: Oh you'll get paid after their dead.

Prue: You know, the boss has a nasty habit of disappearing in the middle of night. I'd hate for my money to disappear with it. Can I trust you? And Barbas?

Bane: I'm disappointed you doubted even one of us.

Prue: I wanna talk to him.

Bane: Well, like you said, the night is young. (They walk over to where everyone is dancing. They start dancing really close together and they smile at each other. They start kissing. DJ walks up to them and taps Bane on the shoulder. They stop kissing.) DJ, what's your problem?

DJ: I need to talk to you.

Bane: Better be life and death. Excuse me. (He kisses the top of Prue's hand and walks over to the bar.)

Prue: I'll just amuse myself. (to some guy) Hi.

Guy: Hey.

(They start dancing.)

[Cut to Bane and DJ.]

Bane: Make it fast.

DJ: I just came from the morgue.

Bane: Looking for a date?

DJ: No, checking on yours. She's a fraud.

Bane: What are you talking about?

DJ: Marcy Steadwell isn't in the morgue and I think they real Hellfire is.

Bane: I don't believe it.

DJ: Barbas believes it.

[Scene: Manor. Marcy is running through the house waving a smoking cigar-shaped object. Piper's on the phone.]

Phoebe: Marcy, please.

Marcy: (singing) Save your sisters moon with your protective beans.

Piper: Oh, please stop.

Marcy: (singing) Give all who dwell within this spell, sweet days and sweet dreams.

Piper: Okay, that's all folks.

(She freezes Marcy.)

Phoebe: Who knew perky could be so annoying?

Piper: How long do you think we can keep her like this?

Phoebe: Your power, your call. Hey, did you reach Prue?

Piper: No, she's still not answering her cell. She really should've checked in by now.

(The doorbell rings.)

Phoebe: Ooh, maybe that's her.

Piper: Ringing the bell?

Phoebe: Well, maybe she lost her keys. Right, Marcy?

(Piper opens her the door. Dan's standing there holding a piece of board.)

Piper: Dan.

Dan: Hey, Piper.

(Dan walks inside.)

Piper: Uh, Dan, wait.

Dan: I wanted to bring this over than leave it with my crew. I'm having trouble finding enough fly wood. (Phoebe walks in the foyer.) Hey, Phoebe.

Phoebe: Hey, Dan. Piper, don't forget about the ... (She mumbles something.)

Piper: Mmm hmm.

Dan: Is this not a good time?

Piper: Never. I mean, always. Why don't you come in? Here, let me help you.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 229 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

15.04.2023 vers 09h

16.06.2022 vers 23h

09.06.2022 vers 19h

06.04.2022 vers 16h

13.02.2022 vers 14h

30.08.2021 vers 10h

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schumi  (29.10.2017 à 09:40)

Une Prue Halliwell sexy en diable et un méchant à tomber: très bon épisode!


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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