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#212 : Le fruit défendu

Piper contracte une maladie tropicale rare et tombe dans le coma. Prue et Phoebe font donc appel à la magie pour guérir Piper, ne tenant ainsi pas compte de la loi qui interdit aux sorcières d'utiliser un sort pour elles-mêmes. Hélas, le sortilège a malheureusement un effet secondaire. C'est alors une bonne partie de l'hôpital qui contracte la maladie. Piper décide de réciter une formule pour annuler ce sort, ce qui la fera retomber dans le coma. Léo décide alors à son tour de désobéir à son propre code pour sauver Piper. Dans toute cette agitation, Prue doit aussi prendre une décision très importante vis-à-vis de sa carrière professionnelle.

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Le fruit défendu

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Première diffusion en France


Trailer de l'épisode

Trailer de l'épisode


Photos promo

Phoebe, Piper et Prue à l'hôpital

Phoebe, Piper et Prue à l'hôpital

Piper et sa piqure provenant d'un insecte tropical

Piper et sa piqure provenant d'un insecte tropical

Phoebe parle à un jeune malade à l'hôpital

Phoebe parle à un jeune malade à l'hôpital

Piper se réveille à l'hôpital

Piper se réveille à l'hôpital

Piper s'effrondre au P3 avec Phoebe à ses côtés

Piper s'effrondre au P3 avec Phoebe à ses côtés

Les fruits tropicaux

Les fruits tropicaux

Phoebe et Piper au P3

Phoebe et Piper au P3

Affiche promo avec les trois soeurs

Affiche promo avec les trois soeurs

Piper et la lumière de l'au-delà

Piper et la lumière de l'au-delà

Piper en train de mourir à l'hôpital

Piper en train de mourir à l'hôpital

Piper à l'hôpital

Piper à l'hôpital

Le soldat jouet est vivant

Le soldat jouet est vivant

Phoebe, Piper et Prue en quarantaine

Phoebe, Piper et Prue en quarantaine

Piper et Phoebe en quarantaine

Piper et Phoebe en quarantaine

Un médecin avec des habits de protection

Un médecin avec des habits de protection

Un soldat en jouet

Un soldat en jouet

Piper malade à l'hôpital

Piper malade à l'hôpital

Le médecin de Piper

Le médecin de Piper

Plus de détails


Remarques et anecdotes :

  • Il s'agit du tout premier épisode  où les filles comprennent qu'elles peuvent appeler Léo.
  • Cet épisode est le premier avec le docteur Williamson, qui revient huit épisodes plus tard.
  • Jack Sheridan apparaît pour la dernière fois.
  • Les filles ne découvrent pas que la poupée est capable de transmettre le virus dans cet épisode.

Réalisateur : Anson Williams | Scénariste : Constance M. Burge

  • Acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
  • Shannen Doherty... Prue Halliwell
  • Holly Marie Combs... Piper Halliwell
  • Alyssa Milano... Phoebe Halliwell
  • Greg Vaughan... Dan Gordon

Acteurs secondaires et invités dans l'épisode :

  • Brian Krause...Léo Wyatt
  • Matthew Glave.... Curtis Williamson
  • Lochlyn Munro ...Jack Sheridan
  • Andrew Ducote....Nathan
  • Daniel Reichert.... Le responsable du centre de lutte contre la maladie.
  • Faith Sallie ....Une infirmière
  • Monica Allison... Une infirmière
  • Chuti Tiu... Une infirmière
  • Louisa Abernathy... Angie
  • Jennifer Massey.. Une journaliste
  • Lisa Ann Grant... Une journaliste
  • Jerel Taylor... Le Ninja (non crédité)
  • Ken Waters ... Le barman (non crédité)



Piper et Phoebe sont au P3. Phoebe dit à sa soeur qu'elle vient de s'inscrire à l'université quand Piper commence à avoir le tournis puis elle tombe inconsciente. Piper est conduite à l'hôpital. Prue est à son chevet et Phoebe est dans le couloir. Elle y rencontre un jeune garçon, Nathan qui est malade. Il a avec lui un ninja en plastique. Phoebe lui raconte que ce n'est pas n'importe quel ninja. C'est un sorcier qui a des pouvoirs et qui détruit les maladies. Elle lui dit de l'imaginer en train de tuer sa maladie et ça marchera à tous les coups. Le docteur Williamson et d'autres médecins arrivent et annonce à Piper qu'elle a une maladie très rare qui vient des pays tropicaux. Ils font le rapprochement avec des fruits, les kiwanos, que Piper a eu au marché noir pour le P3. Ils lui donnent un antibiotique

Chez Buckland, Prue et Jack expertisent un tableau et Prue trouve que c'est sûrement un faux et qu'il n'est pas de Monet contrairement à ce que son patron dit. Elle avoue à Jack être très inquiète pour Piper. A ce moment-là, le téléphone sonne. C'est l'hôpital qui demande à Prue de venir au plus vite. Prue téléphone à son tour à Phoebe pour la prévenir. Celle-ci est avec Dan et elle lui explique la situation. Les médecins annoncent aux deux soeurs que le traitement n'a pas marché et que Piper va sûrement mourir. Prue et Phoebe retournent chez elles précipitamment pour consulter le Livre des Ombres. Phoebe dit à Prue qu'il vaudrait mieux demander de l'aide à Léo car si elles font une incantation à but personnel, il y aura des conséquences. Elles appellent Léo qui arrive presque tout de suite. Il est courant de la situation mais on lui a interdit d'utiliser ses pouvoirs pour guérir Piper. D'ailleurs, il n'a même pas le droit d'être là et il finit par partir. Prue et Phoebe ouvrent le Livre et trouvent une formule.

Elles vont ensuite à l'hôpital où elles rencontrent Dan toujours au chevet de Piper. Prue vole une éprouvette avec le sang de Piper et Phoebe recherche une poupée. Elle rencontre le jeune garçon du début qui lui dit qu'il est guéri et il lui rend le ninja. Prue demande à Dan d'aller chercher des boissons. Elles posent la poupée sur Piper et récitent la formule. Le docteur Williamson essaie de rentrer mais Prue utilise son pouvoir pour bloquer la porte. Une fois la formule terminée, Piper sort du coma comme si elle était en parfaite santé. Le médecin ne comprend pas. Phoebe jette le ninja dans une poubelle. A ce moment-là, il se met à bouger tout seul et ouvre les yeux. Il se met alors à piquer toutes les personnes qu'il croise avec son épée et leur transmet la maladie de Piper. Chez Buckland, Prue dit à Jack que le tableau est un faux et que maintenant elle en est sûre. Il lui dit que ce n'est pas grave et qu'il faut quand même le vendre. Prue lui dit qu'il n'y a que l'argent qui compte à la salle des ventes et que l'on se moque des objets que l'on vend.

Phoebe et Piper sont au P3 quand une équipe de l'hôpital vient les chercher et met en quarantaine le P3. En effet, d'autre cas de fièvre se répandent dans l'hôpital et les médecins veulent faire des analyses. Plus tard, Prue arrive aussi à l'hôpital. Les trois soeurs sont enfermées dans une pièce. Elles décident de renverser la formule car elle cause trop de dégâts. Prue utilise son pouvoir de projection astrale et apparaît dans le grenier et cherche dans le Livre des Ombres. Elle trouve la formule et revient dans son corps. Les soeurs Halliwell prononcent la formule et Piper retombe dans le coma. Le ninja redevient alors un jouet normal. Tous les médecins entrent dans la pièce et essaient de garder Piper en vie mais ses fonctions vitales diminuent dangereusement. L'esprit de Piper s'élève et elle rencontre Léo qui lui dit qu'il va la guérir. Piper revient à elle et prononce le nom de Léo. Dan fait une drôle de tête. Les médecins ne comprennent rien à ce qui se passe. En particulier le docteur Williamson qui jure qu'il trouvera comment ça a pu se produire.

De retour chez Buckland, Prue donne sa démission et dit au revoir à Jack. Elle lui explique qu'elle n'aime plus travailler là à cause du mauvais état d'esprit. Elle lui dit aussi qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'ils arrêtent de se voir car elle a besoin d'être seule. Elle le remercie de lui avoir redonné confiance en elle et part en l'embrassant. Le soir venu, les soeurs sont au P3 quand Léo arrive. Il annonce à Piper que les Fondateurs lui ont coupé les ailes à cause de ce qu'il a fait et que maintenant, il va tout faire pour la récupérer et mettre Dan hors-jeu.

Written by: Vivian Mayhew and Valerie Mayhew
Transcribed by: Shay Fitzpatrick

[Scene: P3. Piper’s at the bar cutting up some yellow spiky fruit. She coughs and gets a glass of water and takes a sip. Phoebe comes up to the bar.]

Piper: Oh, I am so glad to see you.

Phoebe: Is that because I can work tonight or is it because I am now "Phoebe Halliwell, college student."

Piper: Okay, neat, thin slices please. Wait, you enrolled? (Phoebe nods.) Phoebe, this is huge.

Phoebe: Hugest thing I’ve done since I came back home. I mean, aside from vanquishing demons and saving the world from evil of course. Okay, so I signed up for two general courses. (Phoebe gets a piece of paper out of her bag and hands it to Piper.)

Piper: And seven electives. Seven, Phoebe?

Phoebe: Alright, so I’m a little confused. I could use some advice. What do you think I should take? (Piper coughs.) Honey, are you okay?

Piper: Yeah, its just a little cough.

Phoebe: I bet Prue made you have soup at lunch today after she heard that little cough.

Piper: I had to cancel actually. Last night’s paper work took a bit longer than expected.

Phoebe: So I guess you missed your massage today also.

Piper: A reporter from the San Francisco called and had a ton of questions about the club.

Phoebe: Piper, you have got to take care of yourself. You’ve been feeling funky since yesterday.

Piper: It’s probably just a bug.

Phoebe: Even more reason for you not to push it.

Piper: I’m fine, besides it’s all paying off, the club is finally doing well, we’re making money, now would you slice. (Phoebe picks up the knife and a piece of fruit.)

Phoebe: What kind of fruit is this anyway?

Piper: Kewano. It’s from South America. It’s great for Mai Tai’s. Just got them in yesterday actually. The bartender has a connection at the docks.

Phoebe: Wait, you smuggled it in?

Piper: Oh, it’s fruit, Phoebe, not drugs.

Phoebe: Look, just because we’re witches, does not mean you’re invincible. Okay, you need to start taking care of yourself.

Piper: Thank you, Doctor.

Phoebe: Hey, "Doctor Phoebe Halliwell". I like it.

[Scene: Bucklands. Prue’s office. She’s looking at a painting. Jack’s standing behind her.]

Prue: It’s late. Let’s just get this done. Well, it certainly appears to be a Monet. Has the same style that he enjoyed in Paris after the Exposition de Verselle. The same delicate powdery interpretation combined with great vigour and expressiveness.

Jack: Great vigour? Randy little painter was he?

Prue: The brush strokes around this smoke stack are somewhat unusual for Monet. They seem almost individual although beautifully rendered.

Jack: Yeah, no complaints about my view either.

Prue: Okay, you know what? Is everything with you sexual?

Jack: No…Okay, you’ve never thought about me?

Prue: Jack, come on, we don’t have very much time to authenticate this painting

Jack: And I was good wasn’t I? Come on, Prue, I’m not pushing this. I just, I know where you stand, I just wanna know where I stand with you.

(Mr. Cauldwell enters.)

Mr. Cauldwell: How are you two doing?

Prue: Oh, uh, we’re fine. Exactly where we should be at the moment.

Mr. Cauldwell: As long as it’s authenticated by the auction. I’ve got eight buyers on the block interested in that piece.

Prue: You don’t have to worry about us, Mr. Cauldwell.

Mr. Cauldwell: Good.

(He leaves.)

Jack: Do I have to worry about us?

[Scene: P3. Piper’s walking through the crowd. Phoebe comes up to her.]

Phoebe: Piper, you need to go home.

Piper: Phoebe, I’m fine, I’m just… Phoebe you’re right.

(Piper faints.)

Phoebe: Oh my God. Call 911.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Hospital. Piper’s lying in a bed hooked up to some machines. Prue’s standing there. Piper wakes up.]

Prue: Hey.

Piper: Prue?

Prue: You’re awake.

Piper: What happened?

Prue: You don’t remember?

Piper: I remember being in the club and talking to Phoebe and then I gotta admit, it’s a little fuzzy.

Prue: You collapsed and we called an ambulance.

Piper: Oh, that must have been great for business. So what’s wrong with me?

Prue: Um, they don’t really know. We’re just sort of waiting for blood test results.

Piper: I’m sure it’s nothing too exciting. It’s probably something trendy like mono or Epstein Barr.

Prue: Yeah, well, whatever it is you’re gonna take the time to get better.

Piper: You sound like Phoebe. Where is she anyway?

[Cut to outside. Phoebe walks up to the receptionists desk. The nurse has her back facing Phoebe.]

Phoebe: Uh, hi. Nurse person. (The nurse turns around.) Can you tell me where Dr. Wallis is. He said that my sister’s test results should be in by eight and it’s twenty past eight now.

Nurse: What’s your sister’s name?

Phoebe: Piper. Piper Halliwell. Thank you. Piper Halliwell.

Nurse: Piper Halliwell has been transferred to Dr. Williams care. If you have a seat in the waiting area, I’ll page him.

Phoebe: What happened to Dr. Wallis?

Nurse: I’m sure that Dr. Williamson will be able to answer all of your questions. Please, have a seat in the waiting room.

Phoebe: Okay.

(Phoebe sits down. A boy in a wheelchair comes up to her.)

Boy: Are you sick too?

Phoebe: No, I’m not sick.

Boy: Then why do you look so sad?

Phoebe: My sister’s here and they don’t know what’s wrong with her.

Boy: The doctor’s don’t know what’s wrong with me either. Maybe your sister and I have the same thing.

Phoebe: What is your name?

Boy: Nathan.

Phoebe: Well, hello, Nathan. I’m Phoebe. And who is that?

(She points to a Ninja doll sitting on his lap.)

Boy: Ninja doll. I found him in the children's ward.

Phoebe: You know, I don’t think that’s a ninja doll. If I know my ninja dolls, I think that one’s really a magical wi…zard.

Nathan: Really? How can you tell?

Phoebe: Well, let me see him. (She takes the ninja off of him.) I’ve seen what his type can do. He’s got powers. He can move things and freeze things and can kick box too. And the really cool thing about him is he can do all this to the demon…to the bad guys inside your body without anyone even knowing about it.

Nathan: Really? He can freeze the bad guys and move them?

Phoebe: And kick box them too. Don’t forget that. Right out of your body. All you have to do is when you feel bad, you close your eyes and just picture him fighting them for you. Do you think you can do that?

Nathan: Yeah.

(Dr. Williamson and some other Doctors walk up to Phoebe.)

Dr. Williamson: Phoebe Halliwell? (Phoebe stands up.)

Phoebe: Yes.

Dr. Williamson: I’m Dr. Williamson.

Phoebe: Hi. (to Nathan) Bye, it was nice to meet you.

Nathan: See ya.

Phoebe: And who are they?

Dr. Williamson: Medical interns. They’ll be viewing my work with your sister.

Phoebe: Because…

Dr. Williamson: Because they’re studying the same field that I did. I’m an infectious disease specialist.

(Dr. Williamson and the other doctors walk into the room where Piper is.)

Phoebe: Specialist? Wait.

Dr. Williamson: Miss Halliwell, I’m Dr. Williamson.

Phoebe: Um, he’s a specialist.

Piper: Where’s Dr. Wallis?

Dr. Williamson: I’ll be keeping him posted. How are you feeling?

Piper: Okay. A little hot.

(Dr. Williamson‘s pager beeps.)

Dr. Williamson: Have you been out of the country recently? Africa, South America, Caribbean?

Piper: I wish. No. I haven’t been out of the city.

Dr. Williamson: Well apparently you’ve attracted a blood disease rarely seen in the United States, Arroyo fever.

Prue: How is that possible?

Dr. Williamson: Well, Arroyo fever’s transmitted through a bite of sand fly which dies right after the bite. Have you had anything imported brought into your home recently.

Piper: No.

Phoebe: But you have in the club. What was the name of that weird fruit?

Piper: Kewano.

Dr. Williamson: That’s a possible carrier. Sometimes the fly’s been known to live long enough in the crate to make the trip but rarely survives the quarantine period.

Piper: I think I have a bite on my shoulder.

(She shows him the bite.)

Dr. Williamson: When did you get this?

Piper: Just after I opened the fruit.

Dr. Williamson: (to a doctor) Tell the nurse I need ten cc’s of penildron.

Doctor: Right away.

Dr. Williamson: It’s a high grade antibiotic which will be most effective when it administered through an I.V. Should bring your fever down. (His pager beeps again.) I gotta run some more tests. I’ll be back shortly.

Phoebe: Excuse me, she’s gonna be okay, right? I mean, it’s not life threatening.

Dr. Williamson: Well, I’ll know better after I run more tests. Excuse me.

(He leaves. Phoebe sits on the bed. Prue and Phoebe stare at her smiling.)

Piper: I’ll be okay.

Prue: Yeah, I mean he didn’t seem too worried. Just prescribed antibiotics.

Piper: The tests are just to confirm his diagnosis I’m sure.

Prue: Yeah, don’t you agree, Phoebe?

Phoebe: I think we should call Leo.

Piper: Why?

Phoebe: Why not? He can heal you.

Piper: No. He’s out of our lives. He’s not even our white lighter anymore. Besides with Dan in my life.

Phoebe: But if Leo knew you were sick.

Piper: No, and that’s final. No demon or warlock did this to me. Just let the doctors do their magic.

Phoebe: I just wanted you to get well soon.

(Phoebe rests her head on Piper’s stomach.)

Piper: I know and I will. Now you get outta here. Prue, go to Bucklands, Phoebe, go to wherever it is you got to and someone please call Dan so he doesn’t worry.

Prue: Okay. Bye. Love you.

(They leave.)

[Scene: Bucklands. Prue’s office. Prue walks in. Jack’s there.]

Prue: Hey. Have you had a chance to look at the thread density results on the Monet?

Jack: Yeah, and you were right. There are some unexplained thread markings in the area around the station, as the signature.

Prue: Have you told Cauldwell yet?

Jack: Not yet. I was hoping to talk you into going home first. Prue, you’re exhausted.

Prue: Yeah, I know, but I prefer to stay here, you know, keep busy. How long can tests take anyway?

Jack: Piper is gonna be fine.

Prue: I know, it’s just that after everything I’ve seen in my life and believe me I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff. It takes a lot to scare me. But this time I’m really scared. (Jack hugs Prue.)

Jack: You know, I’m not really good at this, saying the right thing stuff. You know what? Why don’t you go back to the hospital and I’ll stay here and handle everything. Okay?

(Prue’s cell phone rings. She answers it.)

Prue: Hello?

[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Dan walk into the living room.]

Dan: Is she gonna be okay?

Phoebe: You know, that’s what’s so frustrating. They won’t tell us anything. Damn doctors.

Dan: Can I see her? Where is she?

Phoebe: San Francisco Memorial.

(Dan hugs Phoebe.)

Dan: Nothing’s gonna happen to her okay? Piper’s strong and healthy and she’s a fighter.

Phoebe: You’ve noticed too have you? (The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.) Hello?

Prue: Yeah, Pheebs, the hospital just called. They need for us to get down there right away.

Phoebe: Why? What happened?

[Cut to the hospital. Phoebe and Dan run down the corridor to Piper’s room. Prue’s standing at the doorway.]

Phoebe: Prue, what’s going on?

Prue: I don’t know. All they said was that her condition has worsened.

Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?

Dan: We’re not gonna leave the door until we find out.

Prue: Dr. Williamson.

Dr. Williamson: Unfortunately your sister’s immune system isn’t as strong as we thought it would be and antibiotics are having no effect on the disease.

Phoebe: So what do we…what do you do now?

Dr. Williamson: Well there’s nothing more we can do.

Prue: What do you mean by that? What are you saying?

Dr. Williamson: Well, either Piper pulls out of the coma on her own or I’m afraid your sister’s not going to survive.

(Phoebe starts crying.)

Commercial Break

{Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue and Phoebe walk over to the Book of Shadows.]

Prue: Okay, we can’t let Piper die.

Phoebe: No, we can’t but Prue, this isn’t a demon or a warlock that we’re up against.

Prue: Alright, there are spells in here to vanquish demons, then there’s gotta be a spell in here to vanquish a lousy bug.

Phoebe: Okay, but even if there is a spell, how do we get past the personal gain issue, the consequences?

Prue: What consequences? The power of three remains unbroken, innocents are saved. I don’t really see a down side to that, do you?

Phoebe: Prue, if good witches could really vanquish diseases, do you think there’d be one sick person in the world?

Prue: We have to save Piper.

Phoebe: I agree. All I am saying is before we resort to the Book of Shadows, maybe we should call Leo.

Prue: No. She told us not to.

Phoebe: So, let her be pissed at us, at least she’ll be alive.

Prue: We don’t even know how to contact him. He’s always just sorta been around.

(Prue and Phoebe start calling him.)

Prue/Phoebe: Leo? Leo?

(Leo orbs in and startles Prue and Phoebe.)

Phoebe: Whoa, it worked.

Prue: Alright, Leo, look Piper is very…

Leo: Very sick, I know. That’s why I could hear you calling. I’ve been near by watching.

Phoebe: Wait, you’ve been watching her this whole time and you haven’t healed her?

Leo: I can’t. They know about Piper too and they won’t let me interfere. I’m not even supposed to be here right now.

Prue: Leo, you can’t just let Piper die.

Leo: Don’t you think I would do something about it if I could.

Phoebe: But you love her.

Leo: I know. But I’m not her Whitelighter any more. And besides, even if I could help her my powers probably wouldn’t even work because she wasn’t fighting evil. (You hear the Whitelighters calling him.) I have to go, they know I’m here. I’m sorry. Tell Piper I love her. (He orbs out.)

Phoebe: Screw the consequences.

(They start searching through the Book of Shadows.)

[Cut to the hospital. Prue and Phoebe are walking down the corridor.]

Phoebe: Do you really think the awakening spell’s gonna work?

Prue: Better. Alright, Look, I’ll get Piper’s blood. Are you sure that you can get a poppet?

Phoebe: Positive. I’ll meet you in her room.

Prue: Alright.

[Cut to Piper’s room. A nurse is drawing blood from Piper’s arm. Dan’s there. Prue walks in.]

Prue: How is she?

(The nurse puts a small container full of Piper’s blood on a tray. Prue uses her power and it floats over to her and she puts it in her pocket.)

Dan: No change. It just looks like she’s sleeping but I can’t wake her up.

Prue: She’ll wake up, I promise.

[Cut to Nathan’s room. He’s playing with the Ninja doll. Phoebe walks in.]

Phoebe: Hey, Nathan. Remember me?

Nathan: Phoebe, I was hoping you’d come back.

Phoebe: Really? Why?

Nathan: You were right. The wizard did it. I feel great. Just like I used to.

Phoebe: The power of positive thinking.

Nathan: The power of magic. The doctors are letting me go home in a couple of days.

Phoebe: Oh, that’s great, Nathan. I’m so happy for you. You know, I was wondering if you would let me borrow the wizard for a while. My sister could use a little magic right about now.

Nathan: She can keep him. I don’t need him anymore.

Phoebe: Thank you.

[Cut to Piper’s room. Phoebe enters.]

Phoebe: Hey. (She notices Dan there.) I was gonna bring back some sodas but the machine down the hall was busted and I didn’t know where to find another one.

Dan: I’ll find it.

Phoebe: Really? You don’t mind?

Dan: No, it’s no trouble. I’ll be back in a minute. (He leaves.)

Phoebe: I got him. Let’s do this. (Phoebe puts the ninja on Piper’s stomach. Prue puts a drop of Piper’s blood on the ninja. They touch the ninja and Piper and start saying the spell.)

Prue/Phoebe: "Troubled blood with sleeps unease, remove the cause of this disease."

(Dr. Williamson opens the door.)

Phoebe: Prue!

(Prue uses her power and shuts the door. She keeps her hand held out to keep the door closed.)

Dr. Williamson: Hey! (He tries to open the door.)

Prue/Phoebe: "Sleep eternal never more, and shift this source of illness borne, to this poppet whom none shall mourn."

Phoebe: Prue, it’s not working.

(Suddenly, Piper springs up into a sitting position. Phoebe hugs her.)

Dr. Williamson: Come on, open the door! (The door opens.) Who’s blocking the damn door?

Prue: What’s up, Doc?

Dr. Williamson: (He sees Piper awake.) When did this happen? Miss Halliwell, are you feeling alright?

(You see Phoebe put the ninja in the bin. The camera zooms into the bin and you see the ninja’s eyes open.)

[Cut to outside the room. Dan and two other nurses go into the room.]

Dan: Piper!

(She sees the cans of soda.)

Piper: Are those for me?

(He hugs her.)

Dan: You’re okay.

Piper: Yes I am okay.

Dr. Williamson: This doesn’t make any sense. Fever’s gone, vitals are normal. I’ve never seen anything like it. The infection’s gone too.

Piper: So can I go home now?

Dr. Williamson: (to the nurses) Draw some blood. I wanna run comparatives.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Piper: Um, then can I go home? Because no offence, but I hate hospitals.

(Prue, Phoebe and Dan laugh. They climb on the bed and lay all over Piper.)

Piper: Get off me.

[Cut to inside the bin. The ninja sits up. A nurse walks over and puts something in the bin. The ninja pushes his sword through the plastic and it pokes the nurse on the leg.)

Nurse: Ow!

(She walks away. The ninja then cuts through the plastic and jumps out.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: P3. There’s no one in there except Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Dan and a bartender. They have music on.]

Piper: Turn it up. (Prue turns the music up. Piper walks over to the bartender.) Alright, you can go home. I’ll clean up.

(He leaves. Phoebe runs over to Dan who’s sitting down.)

Phoebe: Dance with me, Dan.

Dan: It’s almost two in the morning.

(She pulls him out of the chair.)

Phoebe: So what. Come on, you’re young.

Dan: Stop the music, stop that music.

(Phoebe goes over to Prue. Dan puts his arms around Piper.)

Piper: Somebody need a nap?

Dan: You know what? That’s not fair. You’ve been asleep for almost twenty-four hours .

Piper: And I know you’ve been up for almost twenty-four hours by my side. I can’t tell you how much that means to me, being there for me. Hangin’ tough.

Dan: It wasn’t that tough.

(They kiss.)

Piper: Now go home. I’ll see you tomorrow. (He leaves. Piper walks over to Prue and Phoebe who are playing patty-cake with their hands.) Okay, spill.

(They stop clapping.)

Phoebe: What are you talking about?

Piper: You guys cast a spell didn’t you?

Prue: (innocently) Who, us?

Piper: Yeah, you. Not that I’m not grateful to be cured because I am, but what about that little personal gain problem?

Phoebe: Okay, but don’t you think we would have seen any consequences by now? It’s been hours.

Prue: Yeah, maybe saving a protector of the innocent isn’t really personal gain.

Piper: Maybe. Like I said, I’m not complaining. I’m just glad you didn’t call Leo. Strange though with all the demons we’ve faced, this bug, this thing was the scariest of them all.

Prue: Yeah, you don’t have to convince us.

Piper: I love you guys.

Phoebe: We love you too.

(They hug.)

Prue: Hey, just don’t ever scare us like that again.

Piper: Don’t worry.

Prue: Ooh, ooh! Oh, God, I almost forgot. I have to get that Monet authenticated by tomorrow.

Phoebe: At this hour?

Prue: Why not? I’m wide awake.

(Prue leaves.)

Piper: I guess I should clean up.

(Piper starts cleaning up. Phoebe stands there dancing and then she notices Piper is moving very quickly. She gets faster and faster.)

Phoebe: Uh, Piper. Piper!

(She stops in front of Phoebe.)

Piper: What?

Phoebe: I think I found a consequence.

[Scene: Hospital. The nurse that was poked by the ninja is lying on the bed breathing heavily. Another nurse rings someone up on the phone.]

Nurse: Get me Dr. Williamson.

[Cut to Dr. Williamson. His phone rings.]

Dr. Williamson: Yeah? Okay, put them both on penildron though I doubt it’ll do them any good. Call me if there’s any changes.

(He hangs up. A guy walks up to him.)

Guy: And what can Centre from Disease Control do for you this fine middle of the night, Dr. Williamson?

Dr. Williamson: I’ve really got something for you this time, Seiger. I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t.

Dr. Seiger: You know, it’s not very ethical to try and get the government to validate your findings just so you can get published.

Dr. Williamson: This’ll get me more than published. I’ve got an outbreak of Arroyo fever in this hospital.

Dr. Seiger: That’s impossible. Arroyo fever isn’t contagious.

Dr. Williamson: It is now. I’ve got three patients with the disease in isolation.

Dr. Seiger: How’d they get it?

Dr. Williamson: I don’t know. But however they did has something to do with the first person who came down with it. Piper Halliwell.

[Scene: Bucklands. Prue’s office. She’s looking at the painting. Jack walks in.]

Jack: Morning.

Prue: Hi.

Jack: So how’s Piper doing?

Prue: Fully recovered.

Jack: What? That’s great.

Prue: Yeah, I just came in early to confirm a few suspicions.

Jack: Whoa, wait, back up. Piper’s okay?

Prue: Yes, she’s home, she’s healthy, everything’s back to normal. Jack, we’ve got to talk seriously.

Jack: Okay, shoot.

Prue: We can’t keep on fooling ourselves. This thing isn’t real. I know that it looks perfect from the outside and it makes sense to just ignore the truth and pretend that there’s nothing wrong but I can’t do that.

Jack: Look, Prue, come on, I know we’ve had our difficulties and maybe our relationship isn’t everything you hoped for…

Prue: Jack, I’m talking about the painting. It’s not real. I mean, yeah, it’s from his school but Monet didn’t paint it. One of his students did.

Jack: Are you sure?

Prue: Positive.

Jack: So what.

Prue: So what?

Jack: Prue, if someone wants to believe in something that may not be altogether true but it’s true enough for them, then what’s the harm in letting it be?

Prue: Jack?

Jack: Prue, the world is made up of almost perfect. It’s nothing but near misses and necessary compromises. In this case, I think we got a little bit of both. That’s okay, I know how you feel. I’m just asking you not to look so close. Nothing bears up under that kind of scrutiny.

Prue: Are you talking about the Monet?

Jack: Yeah, that too. Just trust me. Go with it. Everything’s gonna be fine.

[Scene: P3. Disease Control people pull up in their trucks and go inside. Dr. Seiger walks up to Phoebe and Piper.]

Dr. Seiger: Piper Halliwell?

Piper: Whoa, what’s going on?

Dr. Seiger: I’m Dr. Seiger from the Centre from Disease Control. We have a court order to take you and your sister into custody and to quarantine your club until further notice.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Hospital. There are lots of reporters and cameras there asking Dr. Williamson questions.]

Dr. Williamson: No, I would not classify this as an epidemic at this stage. Although that’s for Dr. Seiger from the C.D.C. to determine, not me. All I can tell you is an outbreak has occurred in the hospital and we’ve contained it.

Reporter: Dr. Williamson, how do you know it’s contained? How can you be sure?

Dr. Williamson: Because we’ve identified the initial carrier.

Reporter #2: Who is it? What’s his name? Is it a patient?

Dr. Williamson: We’ve identified the initial carrier and we brought her and anyone she may have affected down in the isolation ward.

[Cut to Dan’s house. He’s watching the news.]

Reporter #2: Is it true they closed down the night club called P3 because of the outbreak?

Dr. Williamson: That is a question that can be answered by Dr. Seiger.

Dr. Seiger: Yes, I can confirm that an establishment by the name of P3 has been quarantined. But only as a precautionary method.

(Dan grabs his keys and coat and leaves.)

[Cut back to the hospital. Phoebe and Piper are locked in a room in the isolation ward. Phoebe’s knocking on the door.]

Phoebe: Hello? Remember us?

(A nurse talks into an intercom outside the room.)

Nurse: I’m sorry, we can’t hear you. What is it you want?

Phoebe: We wanna get the hell outta here. That’s what we want.

Nurse: Dr. Williamson will be right in to discuss the situation.

Piper: Discuss what? I feel fine.

Nurse: Dr. Williamson will be right in. (She leaves.)

Phoebe: This is ridiculous. Why won’t they tell us anything?

Piper: They’re lucky they’re in the other room, I’d freeze their butts.

(A doctor opens the door and Prue walks in.)

Phoebe: Oh, Prue, thank God.

Piper: You’re obviously not here to get us out.

Prue: When I got home, someone from the C.D.C. was waiting for me and they took like a quart of blood.

Phoebe: Ditto.

Piper: Well, they might as well have taken all of mine, they’ve shut down the club, they’ll ruin it. I’ll lose everything.

Phoebe: No, you won’t. Once this whole thing gets straightened out.

Prue: I have a feeling it’s not gonna be that easy. Look, I overheard some doctors talking. There’s others here that are infected with the disease.

Phoebe: But I thought that it wasn’t contagious.

Prue: Yeah, so did I. (She sees the intercom.) So, can they hear us?

Piper: No.

Prue: Did either of you sleep by any chance?

Phoebe: Sleep? Piper was bouncing off the walls last night.

Piper: It’s gotta be a consequence of the awakening spell you guys cast.

Prue: I have a bad feeling that’s not the only consequence.

[Cut to Nathan’s room. He’s asleep. The ninja walks in.]

[Cut back to Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Dr. Williamson walks in.]

Dr. Williamson: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Phoebe: What, no mask?

Dr. Williamson: No, I don’t need it. None of us do. However the disease is being spread, it’s not airborne. I just ruled that out.

Piper: Great, then we’re free to go.

Dr. Williamson: Afraid not.

Phoebe: You can’t keep us here.

Dr. Williamson: Actually, I can, by law. Not just because your sister circumvented it by opening the uninspected fruit, but because she‘s carrying a rare disease that has every possibility of spreading to epidemic proportions.

Prue: I thought that you said it wasn’t contagious.

Dr. Williamson: Arroyo fever isn’t supposed to be contagious.

Phoebe: Well, then maybe you misdiagnosed it.

Dr. Williamson: I didn’t and aside from the fact that I had no idea how this disease is being spread there’s another little mystery that’s concerning me. Your recovery makes no clinical sense. Your blood has no antibodies which means your immune system has never fought it off. By all medical standards, you should be dead by now, Miss Halliwell.

Piper: What’s the matter, Doctor? You don’t believe in miracles?

Dr. Williamson: Not the kind that don’t leave traces, no. I’ve got six people infected and there’s nothing I can do to save them unless I figure out how it is you survived. I‘m gonna run a series of tests on all three of your blood work. Even DNA sampling. Maybe it’s a genetic marker, I don’t know. But I’m gonna find out and you’re not leaving until I do.

(He leaves.)

Phoebe: Well, his bedside manners sure could us a little work.

Piper: Six people? How’s that possible?

Prue: When we did the spell, we must have awakened everything in the room including the disease.

Phoebe: So, do you think there’s anything different about our blood because we’re witches?

Prue: I don’t know but our first priority is to figure out how to help save these people.

Phoebe: Yeah, but even if we can find a spell to save them, how do we prevent it from spreading to other people.

Piper: You have to reverse the spell.

Phoebe: No, Piper, we can’t reverse the spell because…

Prue: You could go back into a coma, you could die.

Piper: I’m not gonna die. Just reverse the spell and call Leo so he can heal me.

Phoebe: Leo? I thought you didn’t want us to call Leo.

Piper: Well, yeah, that’s when I thought I was sick, not dying.

Prue: Piper, um, we already talked to Leo, he’s not allowed to help.

Phoebe: They won’t let him.

Piper: Oh. Great. Well thanks for doing something I specifically asked you not to do.

Phoebe: Piper, you just said…

Prue: Phoebe, give it a rest. Um, look, Piper, we don’t know the reversal spell anyway.

Phoebe: Yeah, and they won’t let us outta here to get it.

Piper: Prue can get it.

Prue: No, I can’t. Okay, I can not just astral project on command. I can’t control it like that.

Piper: You can learn to control it just like you learned to control your other power. Just concentrate.

Prue: Piper, I can’t and I won’t.

Piper: Prue, you have to try. We can’t let anybody else die.

(Prue shuts her eyes and tries to astral project. She appears in the attic. A nurse looks in the room and sees Prue standing still with her eyes closed.)

Nurse: (through the intercom) What’s wrong with her?

Phoebe: Nothing. She’s fine.

[Cut to the attic. Prue finds the spell and tries to remember it. She astral projects back into her body.]

Prue: Whoa.

Piper: Did you see it?

Prue: Yeah, Piper, I don’t…

Piper: Prue, we’ve already discussed this. For some reason there’s no magical out for me but there is for the others. Please.

Prue: "What was awakened from it’s sleep, was once again slumbered deep."

(Prue and Phoebe touch Piper.)

Prue/Phoebe: "What was awakened from it’s sleep, was once again slumbered deep."

(They repeat it.)

[Cut to Nathan’s room. The ninja is on the bed. He raises his arms while holding his sword, ready to stab Nathan. Then the ninja turns back into a doll and falls on the floor.]

[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Piper collapses on the floor.]

Phoebe: Prue, Prue, get help.

(Prue bangs on the door.)

Prue: Help!

(Dr. Williamson and some other doctors run in.)

Dr. Williamson: Help me get her on the bed. (They pick her up and put her on the bed.) You girls wanna tell me what the hell is going on? Get her on the monitor. Miss Halliwell, Miss Halliwell, can you hear me? Assist in respiration. Starting CPR.

(Phoebe and Prue start crying.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: Hospital. Dan runs up to reception.]

Dan: Piper Halliwell, what room is she in? What room is she in, damn it. I’m family.

[Cut to Piper. Dan enters the room.]

Dr. Williamson: (He gives the nurse instructions and she races off.) She’s not responding to CPR. Come on, Miss Halliwell.

(Piper’s spirit rises out of her body. You see a bright light. She appears in a place that’s bright and golden. Someone is walking towards her. It’s Leo.)

Piper: Leo?

Leo: Hurry, take my hands. We don’t have much time.

Piper: Am I dead?

Leo: No, not yet. Not if you take my hands.

Piper: I don’t understand.

Leo: It’s the only way, I can heal you. The only chance I have of them not finding out. Hurry.

[Cut back to the room.]

Dr. Williamson: Give me the paddles.

Nurse: Charging.

(He gets the paddles and applies them to her body.)

Dr. Wiliamson: Clear.

Nurse: No response. I’m not getting anything.

Dr. Williamson: Again.

Nurse: Charging,

Dr. Williamson: Clear.

[Cut back to Leo and Piper.]

Leo: I don’t wanna lose you.

(He holds his hands above her hands.)

[Cut back to the room. Piper’s dead.]

Nurse: Time of death, 9:40am.

[Cut back to Piper and Leo. Leo heals her. Cut back to the room. She floats back in her body.]

Kikavu ?

Au total, 229 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

15.04.2023 vers 09h

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Steed91  (13.05.2022 à 15:22)

J'ai beaucoup aimé cet épisode. Il n'a pas de démons, Léo fait un sacrifice pour Piper, c'était super.

schumi  (31.10.2017 à 19:32)
Qui a dit qu'il fallait manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour? Piper est en bien mauvaise posture dans cet épisode intense où nous retrouvons Leo.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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